Sterling Store web home

On logging in to the application, a store associate must be able to view the number of orders that are ready for picking and packing, perform tasks such as order search, print pick tickets, and so on.


On the application home page, the store associate can view the following panels:
  • Backroom Pick: A store associate with appropriate resource permissions can view the number of shipping or pickup orders that are ready for backroom pick and print pick tickets for the orders. The store associate can also record backroom pick for an order.
    • Print pick tickets: The getShipmentList API is called to retrieve the shipments that are available for pick and whose pick tickets are not printed yet.

      When the store associate attempts to print pick tickets, a verification is done to ensure that the print service is configured. If not, an appropriate error message is displayed.

      If the store associate chooses to print pick tickets for either shipping or pickup orders, the delivery method is passed in the input to the getShipmentList API. However, when the store associate chooses to print all pick tickets, the delivery method is passed as blank. If the API does not return shipments, an appropriate warning is displayed. If the API returns shipments, the getSortedShipmentDetails API is called to return details of the shipment with sorting applied on shipment lines. The changeShipment API is called to update the PickTicketPrinted attribute as Y.

      The shipment keys are passed to the print service and an XSL is applied to generate a HTML output. The HTML document refers to an appropriate CSS for styling. The HTML returned by the print service is printed without displaying additional dialogs other than the browser printing options.

      The StorePickTicket_94 service is implemented to print pick tickets. The StorePickTicket_94_multiApi.xsl.sample and StorePickTicket_94_output.xsl.sample are stored in the /template/prints/ycd/xsl/ directory as part of the add-in workspace and built into the <INSTALL_DIR>/jar/platform/9_4/resources.jar.
      • The StorePickTicket_94 service is provided only for reference. The pick ticket that is generated by using the service contains content that must be used only as a reference. You can continue to use the sample XSL or rename it to remove .sample from the file name and customize it as required.
      • You can click the Refresh button to view the updated count of orders for which you can print pick tickets.
    • Record backroom pick: A store associate can provide either the shipment number or the order number to record a backroom pick. The getShipmentListForOrder API is called to return shipments if an order number is provided. If shipments are not returned, the getShipmentList API is called to return the shipments. If multiple shipments are returned, the Search Results screen is displayed with multiple results. If a single shipment is returned, a verification is done to ensure that the store associate has permissions to do backroom pick for the delivery method. If the store associate has the permission, then the status of the shipment is verified to determine the next action.
      • If the status is Ready for backroom pick, the backroom pick wizard is displayed.
      • If the status is Backroom pick in progress, the store associate is prompted to start-over, continue, or cancel. If the store associate chooses to continue or start-over, the shipment is assigned to the currently logged in user.
      • If the shipment is in any other status, the Order Summary screen is displayed.
  • Pack Order: A store associate with appropriate resource permissions can view the Pack Order panel. The store associate can use either the shipment number or the order number to pack products into packages. The getShipmentListForOrder API is called to return shipments if an order number is provided. If shipments are not returned, the getShipmentList API is called to return the shipments. If multiple shipments are returned, the Search Results screen is displayed with multiple results. If a single shipment is returned, the status of the shipment is verified to determine the next action.
    • If the status is Ready for Packing, the store associate is taken to the Pack Order wizard.
    • If the status is Packing in Progress, the store associate is prompted to start over, continue packing, or cancel. If the store associate chooses to continue or start-over, the shipment is assigned to the currently logged in user.
    • If the shipment is in any other status, the Order Summary screen is displayed.
  • Pickup Orders: A store associate with appropriate resource permissions can view the Pickup Orders panel. The store associate can use either the shipment number or the order number to search pickup orders. The store associate can also search for pickup orders by using the customer's first name, last name, telephone number, and so on. The getShipmentListForOrder API is called to return shipments if an order number is provided. If shipments are not returned, the getShipmentList API is called to return the shipments. If multiple shipments are returned, the Search Results screen is displayed with multiple results. If a single shipment is returned, the status of the shipment is verified to determine the next action.
    • If the status is Ready for Customer, the customer pickup wizard launches.
    • If the shipment is in any other status, the Order Summary screen is displayed.
    If the search does not return any results, the getShipmentList API searches for orders against a pickup recipient who is not the same person that created the order. This is done based on a rule that is configured for gift.
    • If no shipments are found for the pickup recipient, the store associate can enter different criteria to do the search.
    • If multiple shipments are found, the store associate can refine the search further.
  • Ship Packages: A store associate with appropriate resource permissions can view the Ship Packages panel. The store associate can select a carrier and click Go. The getScaclist API is called to populate the list of carriers.
  • If an order has multiple shipments and the store associate has permissions to handle shipments of a single fulfillment type, the search results display shipments of the permitted fulfillment type. If there is a single shipment, the summary screen is displayed.
  • When an order has shipments of both fulfillment types [Pickup in Store and Ship from Store], the Both option is selected on the Fulfillment Search screen and the search results include shipments of both fulfillment types.
  • If a shipment is from a different store, the store associate is shown the Order Summary screen with a message indicating that the shipment is fulfilled by another store.


  • Panels on the home page are permission-controlled. You must configure the following resource permissions for the store associate in the Applications Manager:
    • Backroom Pick for Pickup in Store
    • Backroom Pick for Ship from Store
    • Customer Pickup for Pickup in Store
    • Order Search
    • Pack Order
    • Ship Order
    • Print Tickets for Pickup Orders
    • Print Tickets for Ship from Store Orders
    For more information about administering user group permissions, see the About organization modeling.
  • For more information about the APIs, see Sterling Selling and Fulfillment Foundation: Javadocs.

End-user impact

The store associate can quickly do pick, print, and pack tasks from the home page.