Enabling secure remote invocation of Docker commands for IBM Db2 Warehouse (Linux®)

Some Docker engines are configured by default to listen on a UNIX socket. However, you can reconfigure the engine to listen over a TCP/IP port. If you do that, you can submit Docker commands over the network to run on remote Db2® Warehouse nodes by using the Docker CLI or Docker API (docker-py).

To support secure remote invocation of the commands, Db2 Warehouse provides the setup_docker_remote.sh script. This script sets up the CA certificate and the server and client TLS certificates that are required for secure remote communication. The script also installs a /usr/bin/docker_remote command, which makes it easier to invoke the Docker commands remotely, using TLS.

Before you begin

Stop the Db2 Warehouse containers and services. See Stopping IBM Db2 Warehouse.


  1. If you are using the Db2 Warehouse Orchestrator tool from the container, perform the following substeps:
    1. On the head node host, copy the Db2 Warehouse Orchestrator scripts from the container by issuing the applicable command:
      • For a container for IBM® POWER® LE hardware:
        docker run --rm --entrypoint cat icr.io/obs/hdm/db2wh_ee:v11.5.6.0-db2wh-ppcle /tmp/db2wh_host_tools.zip >  path_on_host /db2wh_host_tools.zip 
      • For a container for IBM z Systems® hardware:
        docker run --rm --entrypoint cat icr.io/obs/hdm/db2wh_ee:v11.5.6.0-db2wh-s390x /tmp/db2wh_host_tools.zip >  path_on_host /db2wh_host_tools.zip 
      • For a container for x86 hardware:
        docker run --rm --entrypoint cat icr.io/obs/hdm/db2wh_ee:v11.5.6.0-db2wh-linux /tmp/db2wh_host_tools.zip >  path_on_host /db2wh_host_tools.zip 
    2. On the head node host, extract the db2wh_host_tools.zip file into the location that you want to use.
  2. If you are using the Db2 Warehouse Orchestrator tool from the IBM GitHub repository, issue the following commands on each node host:
    1. Issue the following command:
      wget https://github.com/IBM/db2warehouse-tools/archive/master.zip -O db2warehouse-tools-master.zip
    2. Issue the following command:
      unzip db2warehouse-tools-master.zip
    3. Issue the following command:
      cd db2warehouse-tools-master
  3. Move the setup_docker_remote.sh script to the /mnt/clusterfs folder.
  4. Make the script executable by issuing the following command:
    chmod +x path_to_script/setup_docker_remote.sh 
  5. On all the nodes on which you want to remotely execute Docker commands, run the script as follows:
    path_to_script/setup_docker_remote.sh --cert-path "path" [--host hostname] [-h|--help] 
    • --cert-path "path" specifies a shared file system path (by convention, /mnt/clusterfs) where the client TLS certificates will be saved. Specifying a shared file system path enables the certificates to be accessed from any node in the Db2 Warehouse cluster.
    • --host hostname specifies a host name or an IP address that is allowed to authenticate with the Docker engine. By default, the setup_docker_remote.sh script enables authentication from localhost and and from the fully qualified domain name, short host name, or IP address of the host by using the TLS certificates that the script generates. However, you can specify one or more extra host names or IP addresses, such as an internal (fabric network) IP address, to be enabled for authenticating with the Docker engine by using TLS. If you have more than one host name or IP address, specify them as a comma-separated list.
  6. On each node, verify that the socket and TLS settings (hosts, tlsverify, tlscacert, tlscert, and tlskey) are defined in the Docker engine options file (/etc/docker/daemon.json).
  7. If you used a Docker systemd unit configuration file (/etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/docker.conf) on the node, migrate all those settings from the unit file into the /etc/docker/daemon.json file and remove the unit file if you haven't done so already.
  8. On each node, restart the Docker engine by issuing the following command:
    systemctl restart docker.service

What to do next

You can now remotely invoke Docker commands by using the /usr/bin/docker_remote command. See Invoking Docker commands remotely for IBM Db2 Warehouse.