Customizing common report behavior

Some elements that are common to multiple reports may be customized for your needs. This includes disabling report filter auto-refresh and sorting and showing the top categories for bar charts.

Disabling report filter auto-refresh

About this task

This feature disables automatic chart refresh when filters are changed. The chart will be refreshed only when the "Refresh" button is clicked. The feature is not enabled by default.


  1. Navigate to and open [EXPLORER_TOP]/model/
  2. Modify the following for your needs:
    • For charts, add "autoRefresh":false in the chart section of visualization definition.

    • For tables, add "autoRefresh":false in the table section of table definition.

    • For dashboards, change the models of included charts and tables as above, then add "autoRefresh":false in the root layer of dashboard definition.

  3. Execute the script to update the model in Elasticsearch.

Sorting and showing the top categories for bar charts

About this task

This feature limits the number of categories for the X-coordinate to a specified value (default is 15) and sorts the chart by the Y-coordinate value (default is descending order) in bar charts. The feature is not enabled by default.


  1. Navigate to and open [EXPLORER_TOP]/model/
  2. Add the following parameters to the chart section of target visualization definition.
    • sort: Defines sort order. The value can be one of "asc" (ascending) or "desc" (descending). The default value is "desc".
    • maxCategory : Defines the maximum number of categories displayed. The value must be a positive integer. The default value is 15.

  3. Execute script to update the model in Elasticsearch