maxNonParmSQL property

Specifies the maximum number of non-parameterized SQL statements to capture. This option applies only when the value of captureMode is ON. When captureMode is OFF, pureQuery ignores this parameter.

For example, a Java™ application might batch heterogeneous SQL statements by passing them to a Statement.addBatch() method. The application generates these statements with SQL literal values rather than host parameter markers. When captureMode is ON, each of these statements might be captured. However, if the application is unlikely to run these identical statements when executionMode is STATIC, pureQuery does not need to capture all of them. In a situation like this, you should set allowDynamicSQL to TRUE so that the application can run the generated statements dynamically, rather than statically.

This property can take these values:

There is no limit to the number of such statements that are captured.
This is the default value.
No such statements are captured.
1 or higher
The limit on the number of such statements that are captured.

DDL statements, SELECT statements, and XQuery expressions are not affected by this option. All of these types of statements are captured.

DB2 CLI and IBM Data Server Driver usage notes

When using DB2® Call Level Interface (CLI) or the IBM® Data Server Driver with pureQuery Runtime, you can use the pureQuery Runtime property as a configuration keyword.

IBM CLI keyword syntax
maxNonParmSQL = -1 | 0 | n
IBM Data Server Driver configuration syntax
<parameter name="maxNonParmSQL" value="0 | 1 | n" / >
Equivalent IBM Data Server Provider for .NET connection string keyword
maxNonParmSQL=-1 | 0 | n
