Connecting to a database by using a wizard

You can use the pages in the New Connection wizard to create a connection profile, so that you can connect to and browse existing data object. This topic explains how to open the New Connection wizard from the Data Source Explorer view (or the Administration Explorer for products that include this view). The New Connection wizard pages can also be embedded in other wizards in the workbench.

About this task

You can also create a new connection by creating a duplicate of an existing connection. This method is useful if you want to create a connection that is similar to an existing connection but with different properties. To create a duplicate of an existing connection, right-click a connection and select Duplicate. You can then edit the properties of the duplicate connection as needed.


To connect to a database by using a wizard:

  1. Right-click in the Data Source Explorer, and select New Connection from the pop-up menu.

    For products that contain the Administration Explorer, you can also click New > New Connection to a Database from the Administration Explorer toolbar.

  2. On the first page of the wizard, select a database manager, a JDBC driver, and then specify the connection details.
    Note: Your password is temporarily stored in your workbench while you are connected to a database server and is removed when you disconnect. To permanently store your password in the workbench, select Save password.
    Connection identification
    Specify preferences for naming the new connection.
    Use default naming convention
    Specifies that a connection name is generated based on the name of the database that you are connecting to. This connection name is displayed in the Data Source Explorer (or the Administration Explorer for products that contain this view) after you create the connection.
    Connection name
    Type a name for the connection. Available only if Use default naming convention is not checked.
    JDBC driver

    Specify a JDBC driver to use to connect to the database. JDBC drivers that appear in the list are fully supported. If a driver that you want to use is not listed but it is supported by the database manager, select Other Driver Default and provide the details.

    Click Edit JAR List to open a window so that you can modify the path to the JAR files that are being used for a particular JDBC driver. You can also use this window to view the names and typical locations for JDBC JAR files for each listed driver.

    Global driver properties are set in the Preferences window, on the Driver Definitions page.

    The IBM® Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ is included with the workbench product, and by default the wizard uses the included version of the driver. It is recommended that you use this version, because it has been tested thoroughly. If you want to use a different version of this driver, you can modify the path to the required JAR files by clicking Edit JAR List. Other JDBC drivers for IBM data servers might also be included, depending on the workbench product that you are using.

    JDBC driver limitation: Some drivers require a pass code or license file. Although license information can be set or available in the current environment, the information might not be available in other environments, such as on a Web server. The driver does not work if the pass code or license is not available.

    Connection URL details - Driver Options
    Specify a name for the database server. This field is not required for some database servers.
    For DB2® for z/OS® connections only: Type the DB2 location name that is defined during installation. You must enter the name in upper case. To determine the location, host, and port that should be used for DB2 for z/OS connections, a DB2 for z/OS system programmer or DBA can issue a <cmd prefix="">DIS DDF where <cmd prefix=""> is a preassigned character in your system for a particular DB2 subsystem.
    For Oracle connections only: Specify the Oracle database system identifier.
    Database location
    For Derby connections only: Type the absolute directory path to where Derby data is stored on your file system.
    To create a new Derby database, use one of the following options:
    • If you are connecting by using the Database Connection page, append ;create=true to the path that you specified.
    • If you are by using the New Database Connection wizard, select Create the database if required.
    Create the database if required
    For Derby connections only: Select to create the database in the directory that you specified if the database does not exist.
    Specify the TCP/IP host name or TCP/IP address of the database server. This field is not required for some database managers.
    Port number
    Specify the TCP/IP connection port for the selected database on the host. This field is not required for some database managers.
    Use client authentication
    For DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows connections only: Specifies that the operating system performs authentication on the database partition where the application is invoked. This option works only if the DB2 instance that you are connecting to has been configured to support client authentication. With client authentication, the user ID and password that are specified during a connection or attachment attempt are compared with the valid user ID and password combinations on the client node to determine if the user ID is permitted access to the instance. No further authentication takes place on the database server. This is sometimes called single sign-on.
    Use integrated authentication
    For SQL Server connections with specific JDBC drivers only: Specifies that your access to the SQL Server database is authenticated by the Windows operating system (Windows Integrated Authentication). A database user name and password are not required. This is also referred to as "Windows Integrated Security."
    This option is available only if you select one of the following JDBC drivers:
    • SQL Server 2000 - Microsoft SQL Server 2005 JDBC Driver Default (for SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4 only)
    • SQL Server 2005 - Microsoft SQL Server 2005 JDBC Driver Default
    • SQL Server 2005 - Microsoft SQL Server 2005 JDBC Driver with system tables filter Default
    User name and Password
    Specify a user name and password with privileges to connect to the database server.
    Note: Your password is temporarily stored in your workbench while you are connected to a database server and is removed when you disconnect. To permanently store your password in the workbench, select Save password.
    Default schema
    Type the name of the schema to use for unqualified database object references in SQL statements. If you want SQL statements to refer to database objects that are in other schemas, you must qualify the names of the objects with the names of their corresponding schemas.

    For Informix® databases, this field is called Default owner.

    Connection URL
    Shows the generated JDBC URL for the JDBC driver that you are using. The URL identifies the database so that the driver can establish a connection. The URL format depends on the driver.
    For some data sources, you can select filtering options that can improve connection performance and simplify the Data Source Explorer view display.{-COMMENT-}I don't see Filter out system tables anymore in RAD 7.5?{-ECOMMENT-}
    Filter out system tables
    For Sybase or SQL Server connections only: Select to filter system tables out of the connection.
    For Oracle connections only: Select which database catalog you want to load. You can select User, DBA, or All.
    Retrieve objects created by this user only
    For DB2 for z/OS connections only: Select to load objects that were created by the user who is specified in the User ID field.
    Connection URL details - Tracing (not available in some products or for some database servers)
    The controls on this page enable JDBC tracing for this connection. JDBC tracing is useful for troubleshooting, but enabling JDBC tracing can cause performance problems. Therefore, you should only enable tracing if you are experiencing problems.
    Disable tracing
    Clear this check box to enable JDBC tracing for this connection.
    Specify a directory to which the trace files are saved.
    File name
    Specify a base file name for the trace files. More than one trace file might be created for each connection. If more than one trace file is generated, this name is used and is appended with an underscore and numeric values. For example, if you specify trace, the generated files might be trace_1, trace_2, and so on.
    Specifies that trace files are not overwritten if the files already exist. If this option is selected, new trace information is appended to any existing trace files.
    Trace levels
    Defines what kind of information is traced. Select a check box next to each option to include information in the trace file.
    Connection URL details - Optional (not available for some database servers)
    Specify additional connection properties, for example: readOnly = true. The properties that you can specify are different for every JDBC driver. Refer to the JDBC driver documentation for more examples.
  3. Optional: On the Filter page, specify filtering options.

    For best performance, you should use filters when you are connecting to a large database.

    If you do not specify filtering options in the wizard, you can modify them later by modifying connection properties or by specifying data object filter options. To modify connection properties, right-click a connection and select Properties.

    Filtering is not enabled by default on the wizard page. To filter your connection, clear the Disable filter check box, then specify filtering options either by using an expression or by selecting specific objects to include or not include in the connection view.

  4. Complete all other wizard steps and click Finish.


The connection is displayed in the Data Source Explorer (and the Administration Explorer for products that contain this view).
