PowerAI prerequisites

PowerAI is optimized to leverage the unique capabilities of IBM® Power Systems accelerated servers.

It is supported on:

  • IBM Power® System AC922 with NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPUs
  • IBM Power System S822LC with NVIDIA Tesla P100 GPUs

PowerAI requires some additional third-party software components.

Table 1. PowerAI additional software
Component Version Recommended
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6 7.6
Ubuntu 18.04 18.04
NVIDIA GPU driver 418 418.40
Anaconda 2018.12 2018.12
Note: Starting in PowerAI 1.6.0, NVIDIA CUDA, cuDNN, and NCCL are distributed as Conda packages with PowerAI. The versions included in 1.6.0 are CUDA 10.1, cuDNN 7.5, and NCCL 2.4.2.

Additional information

Developer resources can be found at IBM PowerAI developer portal .

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