Resolving out-of-memory errors

If you plan to use IBM® Db2® Data Management Console to monitor a large number (hundreds) of databases, you should evaluate the resources that are available to the server.


You are getting out-of-memory errors.


By default, the Java virtual manager that is installed with IBM Db2 Data Management Console uses up to a certain amount of memory. The memory that is needed to monitor databases depends on the monitoring profile settings and the number of databases being monitored. If the memory that is needed to monitor databases is significant, you will see out-of-memory errors.

Diagnosing the problem

Investigate the resources available to the server. If your server has a physical memory size of 192 MB or less, the default maximum heap size is only half of the physical memory. If your server has a physical memory size of 1 GB or more, the default maximum heap size in only one fourth of the physical memory.

In addition, review the monitoring profiles that you are using and how much memory they require per database.

Resolving the problem

If needed, make more memory available to the Java virtual manager by increasing the initial heap size and maximum heap size values available to the JVM. Once you have increased these values, restart the IBM Db2 Data Management Console server.

Modify the JVM options:

  1. Go to <DMC_install_directory>/wlp/usr/servers/dsweb/jvm.options

    where <DMC_install_directory> is the path of the install directory of IBM Db2 Data Management Console.

  2. Modify the jvm options for the initial (Xms) and maximum (Xmx) heap size values for memory allocation.
    For more information, refer to oracle-windows-java-docs
  3. Restart the IBM Db2 Data Management Console server.