HADR historical monitoring

HADR historical monitoring data is stored in a repository database. You must activate the repository persistence and set the associated values in your monitoring profile to ensure IBM® Db2® Data Management Console present the data you need.

For an HADR primary connection, the historical monitoring settings and collection are similar to a normal database setting. For more details, refer to Setting up historical monitoring.

For an HADR standby connection, only if the DB2_HADR_ROS is ON and DB2_STANDBY_ISO is UR, the historical monitoring data is collected.

Viewing HADR group connections in Home page

The Home page provides the monitoring data of all the database connections. These connections are grouped by Name by default.

  1. Click "View by" drop-down list in the Databses page.
  2. Select the grouping mode to "High availability cluster".

    The connections will be divided into HADR group and Non HADR group.

  • HADR monitor: If the historical monitoring of HADR databases are turned on, and the relevant HADR alerts are configured, the Home page will retrieve the latest monitoring data, including HADR status, HADR role, open alerts, CPU, memory, rows read and more.
  • Standby status: For an HADR standby connection, if the reads-on-standby feature is not enabled, the "Disconnected connection" status will not be displayed. To enable the reads-on-standby feature, execute the command:

    db2set DB2_HADR_ROS=ON

  • To view the details of monitoring data, click the connection name link. The Monitor summary page will be displayed.

HADR related metrics monitoring

For an HADR primary or standby connection, to view the HADR status related metrics monitoring such as HADR state, HADR log Gap, HADR connection status and more:
  1. From the dashboard, click an active HADR connection link. The HADR status related metrics monitoring information will be displayed.

HADR event monitoring support

Event monitoring of an HADR primary connection is similar to a normal database connection. For more details, refer to Adding Monitoring events.

Event monitoring of an HADR standby connection is not supported by IBM Db2. Therefore IBM Db2 Data Management Console does not support event monitoring.