Control cards used for Batch Update List processing

Control cards are used by the Batch Update List utility to specify the functions that you want. Because the only functions the Batch Update List utility can perform are Verify and Install, there are two control cards that can be used with this utility. The following general syntax rules apply to the control cards that are supplied by using the SYSIN DD statement.

The following figure shows some examples of valid control cards:

Figure 1. Sample batch update list control cards.
         VERIFY  IMSID=IMSA NAME=( MEMBER1 , MEMBER2 )              

You can include multiple control cards in a single issuance of the Batch Update List utility. Each statement is processed individually. When multiple members are specified on a single control card, the members are merged and processed simultaneously. When multiple members are specified on separate control cards, they are processed individually.

To install several resource update lists in a single batch job, it is more efficient to install all the resource update lists at once (by specifying them all in a single statement). However, if one entry fails, none of the entries in any of the update lists will be installed.