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Limitations for Voice Gateway

Resolved limitations:

  • V1.0.0.7:
    • Watson Assistant issue: apikey for the conversation JSON object and WATSON_CONVERSATION_APIKEY environment variable can only be defined in the Sydney region.
    • Token authentication for IBM® Text to Speech is failing for multi-tenant configurations. Add tokenServiceUrl to your Text to Speech credentials configuration in your multi-tenant deployment. See Configuring token authentication in a multi-tenant environment.
    • Multi-tenant environments currently can't be deployed using the Voice Gateway Helm chart in IBM Cloud Private.

IBM® Voice Gateway has the following limitations:

  • V1.0.0.5: Before you deploy a highly available SMS Gateway environment in IBM Cloud Private on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux node, you must disable Security Enhanced Linux (SELinux). This limitation comes from the Kubernetes framework. See Setting up high availability for SMS Gateway.
  • V1.0.0.4c and later: User-to-User Information (UUI) data can't be encoded in a tel URL. As a workaround, provide the already-encoded value for the UUI data.
  • V1.0.0.1c and later: In call detail record reporting events, the numberOfTurns value does not include the initial Watson Assistant turn, so the total count is one less than the actual total.
  • Security limitations:
    • The SIP Orchestrator supports only HTTP connections to forward proxy servers.

    • Known issue: The SIP Orchestrator erroneously displays the CWPKI0033E error when the SSL_KEY_TRUST_STORE_FILE environment variable isn't configured. If SSL_KEY_TRUST_STORE_FILE isn't configured, you can safely ignore this error.

      CWPKI0033E: The keystore located at ${env.SSL_KEY_TRUST_STORE_FILE} did not load
      because of the following error: KeyStore "${env.SSL_KEY_TRUST_STORE_FILE}" does not exist.