Prepare the sample IBM MQ stock query application

This scenario describes a simple stock query application, which is written in Java™, that uses the Java Message Service (JMS) API to interact with IBM® MQ. This application is used by the IBM z/OS® Connect scenarios to demonstrate two-way services with the IBM MQ service provider.

The stock query application takes request messages from an IBM MQ queue. The messages contain the ID of the item that the caller wants information on. The application then generates a response message that contains information on the requested item and sends it to a response queue. The requesting application takes the response message from the response queue.

Compiling the application

The code for the stock query application is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Sample stock query application
import javax.jms.JMSConsumer;
import javax.jms.JMSContext;
import javax.jms.JMSProducer;
import javax.jms.Message;
import javax.jms.Queue;
import javax.jms.TextMessage;

 * Simple back end application which generates responses to stock queries.
public class TwoWayBackend {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String queueManagerName = args[0];
        String requestQueueName = args[1];
        String responseQueueName = args[2];
        try {
            //Connect to queue manager.
            MQConnectionFactory cf = new MQConnectionFactory();
            JMSContext ctx = cf.createContext();
            //Connect to request queue.
            JMSConsumer consumer = ctx.createConsumer(ctx.createQueue(requestQueueName));
            //Create JMS producer.
            JMSProducer producer = ctx.createProducer();
            //Create response queue.
            Queue responseQueue = ctx.createQueue(responseQueueName);
            //Loop round getting messages, and generating a response.			
            while(true) {
                System.out.println("Waiting for message. Press Ctrl+C to exit.");
                TextMessage requestMessage = null;
                //This loop provides a succinct way of breaking out of the loop by pressing Ctrl+C.
                while(requestMessage == null) {
                    requestMessage = (TextMessage) consumer.receiveNoWait();
                    if (requestMessage == null) {
                //Request message payload is a 6 digit integer representing an item id.
                String itemID = requestMessage.getText().trim();

                System.out.println("Message received: " + itemID + ".");
                //Response message is a 6 digit integer item id, 
                //followed by a 20 character description,
                //a 6 digit integer item count and a 
                //a 6 digit integer item cost.
                //Return a hard coded response body, with the itemID inserted.
                String responseMessagePayload = String.format("%sA description.      0005000000045", itemID); 
                Message responseMessage = ctx.createTextMessage(responseMessagePayload);
                //Response messages have the correlation id set to the message id of the request message.
                //Send response.
                producer.send(responseQueue, responseMessage);		
      catch(Exception e) {
         System.out.println("Caught exception ");
To compile the application, copy the sample code in Figure 1 to a file called on a UNIX System Services environment on a z/OS LPAR where IBM MQ for z/OS is installed, including the IBM MQ for z/OS UNIX Systems Services Components feature.

Using a Java 7.1 or later Java SE Development Kit, enter the following command to compile the application:

javac -cp /usr/lpp/mqm/V9R1M0/java/lib/

If necessary, replace /usr/lpp/mqm/V9R1M0/ with the path to the installation of the IBM MQ for z/OS UNIX Systems Services Components feature.

Defining the queues for the application

Work with your IBM MQ administration to define a pair of queues for use by the stock query application. Both a request and a response queue are needed. For example, to define a request queue called STOCK_REQUEST and a response queue called STOCK_RESPONSE enter the following MQSC commands:

Running the application

To run the stock query application, first ensure that the UNIX System Services STEPLIB includes the IBM MQ SCSQAUTH and SCSQANLE libraries. Specify these libraries in the startup JCL or using the .profile file. From UNIX and Linux® System Services, you can include these libraries by adding the following line to your .profile. Replace thlqual with the high-level data set qualifier that you chose when installing IBM MQ:

For more information, see STEPLIB configuration for IBM MQ classes for JMS on z/OS in the IBM MQ documentation.
Enter the following command from UNIX System Services, replacing MQ21 with the name of the queue manager where the STOCK_REQUEST and STOCK_RESPONSE queues were defined. If necessary, replace both instances of /usr/lpp/mqm/V9R1M0/ with the installation path of the IBM MQ for z/OS UNIX System Services Components feature.
java -cp /usr/lpp/mqm/V9R1M0/java/lib/  -Djava.library.path=/usr/lpp/mqm/V9R1M0/java/lib/ TwoWayBackend  MQ21 STOCK_REQUEST STOCK_RESPONSE
The following output is displayed.
Waiting for message. Press Ctrl+C to exit.
If a problem occurs, exception information is displayed that you can use to analyze the problem.

To stop the application, enter Ctrl+C in the command window where the application was run.

Testing the application

Use MQ Explorer to connect to your MQ queue manager on z/OS and send a message to the STOCK_REQUEST queue. Use a message payload value that consists of a six-digit integer, left padded with zeros. For example, 001234.

The following output is displayed by the stock query application:
Waiting for message. Press Ctrl+C to exit.
Message received: 001234
Waiting for message. Press Ctrl+C to exit.
If a problem occurs, exception information is displayed that you can use to analyze the problem.

You can now use IBM MQ Explorer to browse the response message on the STOCK_RESPONSE queue.

What to do next

Follow the steps in Create a server to connect to IBM MQ to create a connection to the IBM MQ queue manager.