The IBM z/OS Connect build toolkit

The build toolkit is supplied with IBM z/OS Connect for generating artifacts that z/OS needs to participate in the RESTful API economy as an API provider, as an API consumer, or both.

When IBM z/OS Connect acts as an API provider
The build toolkit is used to generate service archive (.sar) files from z/OS assets. The service archive files enable APIs to connect to back-end applications on z/OS subsystems.
The build toolkit can also be used to generate API archive (.aar) files from API project directories that are created in z/OS Connect API toolkit.
When IBM z/OS Connect acts as an API requester
The build toolkit is used to generate API requester archive (.ara) files from API description files. The API requester is the function that facilitates RESTful API calls by z/OS applications.

The build toolkit is the key to your DevOps process

Enterprises need a DevOps process to support agile development, testing, and deployment of services, APIs, and API requesters for continuous delivery. The build toolkit is the key to such an automated process.

In a DevOps pipeline, the source files for defining a service, API, and API requester are treated as the source code and stored in a source control management (SCM) system. A build automation script then generates the required archive files from the latest source files in the SCM by using the build toolkit. For more information, see DevOps with IBM z/OS Connect.

How the build toolkit is supplied

The build toolkit is supplied in a compressed file called that you can download from the product installation directory. When you install a IBM z/OS Connect server instance, you automatically have access to the file. The compressed file contains both the command line interface (CLI) and Software Development Kit (SDK) versions of zconbt. A readme file that contains instructions on how to use zconbt is included in the package.