High availability of IBM z/OS Connect servers

If you have multiple IBM z/OS Connect servers configured, you can implement a high availability solution to provide scalability and backup in case of a server failure

HA can be implemented with just two IBM z/OS Connect servers that run in a single LPAR. Or you can design a more complex parallel sysplex solution with many IBM z/OS Connect servers that are spread across multiple LPARs.

The following diagram illustrates how IBM z/OS Connect works within an HA environment across multiple LPARs.
Diagram showing a high availability configuration with a Sysplex Distributor sharing requests across 4 IBM z/OS Connect servers.

High availability can be achieved with IBM z/OS Connect by the workload distribution of HTTP and HTTPS API and service requests from clients across several servers with shared configuration. For more information, see Connectivity for high availability and Sharing server configuration. To ensure that workload distribution can route requests to any configured IBM z/OS Connect server, the servers must be maintained as clones of each other. That is, the servers must have the same configuration with the same IBM z/OS Connect APIs, services, or API requesters deployed.

For a step-by-step example of how to implement high availability for inbound requests to two IBM z/OS Connect servers that use port sharing and shared configuration data, see Configure HA for connections to IBM z/OS Connect.