GET a list of APIs

You can use the HTTP method GET to obtain a list of the IBM® z/OS® Connect APIs installed in the runtime.

HTTP method
Gets a list of the IBM z/OS Connect APIs installed in the runtime, including some basic information and a URL for more detailed information. APIs are included in the list whether they are started or stopped.
Users with Admin, Operations or Reader authority can get a list of APIs, users with Invoke authority cannot. For more information about user authorization, see Overview of IBM z/OS Connect security.
Note: A user must be a member of a global group to be able to see a list of all APIs.
Return body
      "description":"{API description}",
    ... repeats

where adminUrl contains the URL where you can get more details for the specific API. For more information, see GET details of an API.

Example body
      "description":"API for Hospital app",