Enhancements to the calendar event design preview in release 1.0.7

In IBM Verse® 1.0.7, there are several enhancements to the calendar event design preview feature.

Note: Your administrator may enable the new event design for you automatically. (Enabling the new calendar event form). If you don't see the new design however, you may be able to enable it yourself: open Mail and Calendar Settings, in the Feature Preview section select New Calendar Event Form, and then restart your browser. If you don't see the new design and you also don't see this option, your administrator hasn't enabled this feature.

As a preview feature, the new calendar event design has some feature limitations and known issues. For more information, see Technote 0735123.

The calendar event design preview feature includes the following improvements in this release.

Original times shown when repeat meetings are rescheduled

When a repeat meeting is rescheduled, attendees see the original times followed by the new times when they open the reschedule notice.

Old times and new times shown in a repeat meeting reschedule

Available meeting times for Room and Resources

When you schedule a meeting and use the available start times control Available start times control, the availability of any selected Rooms and Resources is now factored in.

Meeting options when scheduling a meeting

When you schedule a meeting, the following meeting options are now available:
  • Mark Private to allow people who have access to manage your calendar to see the meeting time only and not the meeting content.
  • Request Response to receive notifications when people respond to the invitation.
  • Remind me: xx minutes before to alert you a specified number of minutes before the start of the meeting. The default value is controlled by your Alarms setting in Calendar preferences.
Meeting options when scheduling a meeting

Process multiple updates to a meeting at once

When the owner of a meeting sends out multiple update notices, you are now asked whether you want to automatically process all of the notices. Previously, you had to process each notice individually.

An option to automatically process seven changes to a meeting.

Comments available for meeting cancellations

When canceling a meeting, you can provide a comment for the recipients to see when they open the cancellation notice.

Cancellation comment that says "Canceling our regular meeting. I'll be on vacation.".

Online meeting improvements

The following improvements have been made to online meetings for meeting owners. Online meetings are available if you've set them up in another client such as IBM Notes or iNotes.
  • A Join button lets you quickly connect to your online meeting:
    Join button to connect to Samantha Daryn's online meeting
  • Online meeting details (meeting URL, password, dial-in number) in meetings that you schedule are hidden by default for simplicity. Click the arrow at the right if you want to see the details.
    Arrow to click to see details of Samantha Daryn's online meeting

Meeting counters show proposed time

When a meeting invitee counters a proposed meeting time, the meeting owner now sees the proposed time in the counter notice.

New time proposed by Bill Ranney.

Print option for events and notices

A print option is now available within calendar events and notices.

Picture of the Print option available from More Actions control.