Deploying IBM Omni-Configurator backend (REST APIs) WAR file

From the supplied DVD or DVD image, copy the configurator.war package file, present inside the omni-configurator folder, to your system and deploy the WAR file on the application server of your choice.

Note: When deploying this WAR file on the application server, you must provide the context root as configurator.
Note: If you want to define a custom directory for the IBM® Omni-Configurator repositories, then pass the following JVM arguments while deploying the WAR file: -Dconfigurator.repository.path=<path_to_the_omniconfigurator_directory>. For example, -Dconfigurator.repository.path=C:\repo\omniconfigurator. By default, the application looks for the IBM Omni-Configurator repositories in the <USER_HOME>/omniconfigurator directory. <USER_HOME> home directory location can vary from one operating system to another.

Deployment considerations for WebSphere

Ensure that you deploy IBM Omni-Configurator and Visual Modeler in separate WebSphere profiles.

When deploying on WebSphere® Application Server, ensure that you select and set the following in the WebSphere administration console: Application Server > Server specific application settings > Installed applications > Application specific configurations > Manage Modules > Module specific deployment settings > Class loader order > Classes loaded with local class loader first (parent last).

What next
After successfully deploying IBM Omni-Configurator backend (REST APIs) WAR file, you can now connect IBM Omni-Configurator to other Sterling applications.