Resuming or restarting a Sterling B2B Integrator business processes

You can restart or resume a completed IBM® Sterling B2B Integrator business process on the Completed process view in the IBM Control Center web console.

About this task

When you stop a business process or discover one whose state is waiting, interrupted, you can take one of the following actions:
Continue a business process from the last step fully completed, including full-configured persistence. This action is available for a Sterling B2B Integrator business process that failed or completed with errors. The business process retains its original instance ID. Use this action when the error is related to services, for example, if a service is unavailable unexpectedly and a business process using that service stops at that point. Another example is if you stopped a business process to correct a problem before it continued. After the service is restored and active, you can resume the business process.
Start a new instance of the same business process from the beginning with the same document. This action is available for a Sterling B2B Integrator business process that failed, completed with errors, or was successful. The new business process receives a new instance ID.


  1. In the IBM Control Center web console, go to Monitor > Completed processes.
  2. Click the Process ID of a Sterling B2B Integrator process.
    Tip: Expand the Completed processes caret, deselect Select all, and select B2b Integrator/Sterling File Gateway to view only completed Sterling B2B Integrator processes.
  3. In the Process tab of the Process details window, click the Resume or the Restart icon.