IBM Cloud Orchestrator, Version

Setting the deployment parameters

Before you install, you must provide valid values for the parameters that are used by the IBM® Cloud Orchestrator installer to deploy IBM Cloud Orchestrator.

In this procedure, the example installation directory is /opt/ico_install/2.5.0-CSI-ICO-FP0008. Replace this value with the appropriate value for your installation.

Use this procedure to set the deployment parameters when installing the following topologies:
  • Single-Server topology: skip steps 4 and 5 in the procedure.
  • Single-Server with external database topology: skip step 5 in the procedure.
  • Dual-Server high-availability with external database topology: run all the steps in the procedure.
  • IBM Cloud Orchestrator Keystone topology


  1. Log on to the IBM Cloud Orchestrator Server as a root user.
  2. Change directory to the installer directory:
    cd /opt/ico_install/2.5.0-CSI-ICO-FP0008/installer
  3. Edit the ico_install.rsp response file to specify the value of each mandatory parameter, as described in the following table. If any parameter does not have a default value, or if the default value is not suitable for your environment, update the response file to specify an appropriate value. Use the following format for each parameter entry in the response file:
    parameter_name parameter_value
    Table 1. Mandatory deployment parameters
    Name Description
    LICENSE_ACCEPTED The flag that indicates whether you accept the license terms. To accept the license automatically without being prompted by the installer, set this parameter to True. If you set this parameter to True, you confirm that you accept the license terms.
    OPENSTACK_ADMIN_PASSWORD The current password for the OpenStack Controller admin user. This password is also used for the IBM Cloud Orchestrator admin user (admin).
    OPENSTACK_HOST_NAME The fully qualified domain name of the OpenStack Controller where the master OpenStack Keystone service is installed.
    Note: Specify the IBM Cloud Orchestrator node Host name / IP if KEYSTONE_ICO_INSTALLATION is set to True.
    ORCHESTRATOR_PASSWORD The password for the Business Process Manager admin users (bpm_admin and tw_admin) and for the IHS keystore.

    This password is also used for the Business Process Manager database user (bpmuser) and the IBM DB2® users (db2inst1, db2das1, db2fenc1), unless you specify different passwords for these users elsewhere in the response file.

    The password can contain only the following characters:
    a-z A-Z 0-9 - . _ ` ~ @

    The password cannot contain spaces.

    Note: For security reasons, the password is removed from the response file when the IBM Cloud Orchestrator deployment is completed.
    SIMPLE_TOKEN_SECRET The string that is used for simple token authentication for OpenStack. To populate this value in the response file, run the script, as described in Adding the OpenStack simple token to the response file.

    For IBM Cloud Orchestrator Keystone topology, you do not have to set any value for this parameter. It is mandatory only if you configure IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack. For IBM Cloud Orchestrator Keystone topology, see KEYSTONE_ICO_INSTALLATION parameter.


    Value can be HTTP or HTTPS.

    It depends on whether you are configuring IBM Cloud Orchestrator with OpenStack having keystone endpoint on HTTP or HTTPS.

    If the protocol is HTTPS and IBM Cloud Orchestrator Server is integrated with IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack configured for secure communication as mentioned in Configuring IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack for HTTPS, you must add the Cloud Manager certificate bundle in the <TMP_DIR> directory. See Adding the certificate bundle of IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack to IBM Cloud Orchestrator Server for the procedure.


    Value can be ip or hostname.

    This identifies if the Keystone V3 endpoint available on the OpenStack Controller is using an IP address or a hostname.

    KEYSTONE_ICO_INSTALLATION Set the value to True to select IBM Cloud Orchestrator Keystone topology wherein keystone is installed on IBM Cloud Orchestrator node. You do not have to follow the procedure to configure IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack. For the actual steps to configure and use this topology, see Installing IBM Cloud Orchestrator Keystone topology.

    This flag indicates whether BYOOS is configured with IBM Cloud Orchestrator or not.

    Set the flag if the BYOOS does not support cinder v1 API.

  4. [For Single-Server with external database topology or Dual-Server high-availability with external database topology:] Edit the following additional entries in the ico_install.rsp response file. Specify the value of each parameter, as described in the following table.
    Table 2. Additional mandatory deployment parameters for external database topology
    Name Description
    BPM_DB_ADDR The host name of the server that hosts the Business Process Manager Process Server database. If you set this parameter, an external database is enabled.
    BPM_DB_PASSWORD The password for the Process Server database user.
    BPM_DB_USERNAME The user name of the Process Server database user.
    DBPORT The port that is used to access IBM Cloud Orchestrator databases during installation. If you are using an external pre-installed DB2, use the corresponding port that allows connection from IBM Cloud Orchestrator node. During installation, use the value of the HTTP port (50000 by default). Note that after the installation the port to connect to the database might be set to a different value depending on the communication protocol you choose (HTTP or HTTPS).
    EXT_DB_PASSWORD The root password to access the external database server. If you do not specify this parameter in the response file, you are prompted for the root password during the installation.

    If you want to use an existing external IBM DB2 database server, you must create the Business Process Manager databases before you install IBM Cloud Orchestrator. For information about how to create the databases, see [Optional] Creating the Business Process Manager databases on an external IBM DB2 server.

  5. [For both multisite and single site Dual-Server high-availability with external database topology:] Edit the following additional entries in the ico_install.rsp response file. Specify the value of each parameter, as described in the following table.
    Table 3. Additional mandatory deployment parameters for high-availability topology
    Name Description
    HA_SECONDARY_HOST The fully qualified domain name of the second server to install IBM Cloud Orchestrator.
    HA_SECONDARY_USER The user to be used for the IBM Cloud Orchestrator installation on the second server.
    HA_SECONDARY_KEY The path to the SSH key to use when connecting using SSH to HA_SECONDARY_HOST.
    HA_SECONDARY_PASSWORD The password to use when connecting using SSH to HA_SECONDARY_HOST.
    Note: You must configure either a password or an SSH key.
    HA_VIRTUAL_IP_ADDRESS The virtual IP address to be used in the high availability configuration. This IP address must be used in the same subnet as the IP addresses of the two servers where IBM Cloud Orchestrator is installed highly available.
    HA_VIRTUAL_NETMASK Netmask to be used for the virtual IP address.
    HA_VIRTUAL_TIEBREAKER The IP address of the default gateway of the subnet that is used for the virtual machines of the IBM Cloud Orchestrator management stack. The System Automation for Multiplatforms cluster uses network connectivity to this default network gateway to determine whether a node is still up and running. If a cluster split occurs, the tiebreaker determines which part of the cluster gets quorum and can manage active resources. For more information about quorums and tiebreakers, see Operational quorum.
    HA_VIRTUAL_IP_HOSTNAME The fully qualified domain name of the virtual IP address.
    HA_VIRTUAL_NET_INTERFACE The network interface that is used for communication between the IBM Cloud Orchestrator management components, for example, ens192. This value must be consistent for both servers.

    For details, for a multi site IBM Cloud Orchestrator high availability installation, refer to Installing high availability across multiple sites.

  6. [Optional:] If you want to change the directory where IBM Cloud Orchestrator is installed or the temporary directory that is used during the installation, change the parameters that are described in the following table.
    Table 4. Optional deployment parameters
    Name Description
    INSTALL_ROOT The base directory where the IBM Cloud Orchestrator components are installed. The default value is /opt/ibm/ico and it is used in this product documentation to refer to the installation path of the IBM Cloud Orchestrator components. The installation directory must not be a symbolic link.
    TMP_DIR The temporary directory that is used during the installation of the IBM Cloud Orchestrator components. Ensure that the <TMP_DIR> is available on both the primary and secondary nodes with correct privileges. The default location for <TMP_DIR> is /tmp/ico. The temporary directory must not be mounted with the noexec, nodev, and nosuid options.