IBM Cloud Orchestrator, Version


SmartCloud Cost Management produces chargeback and resource accounting reports based on IT usage data from your organization. To help you to easily create reports that display the information that you need, SmartCloud Cost Management includes a variety of standard reports that you can use as templates.

Cognos Reports

Cognos Reports are located within Tivoli® Common Reporting and are named after the report itself. There are no files for the Cognos® reports because all actions on the reports are performed within Cognos. It is possible to export the report definition as XML if required. For more information about exporting a report, see Report Studio Professional Authoring User Guide available by clicking F1 from the Report Studio.

Date Ranges

The reports can be run for various date ranges including both Calendar and Fiscal Calendar ranges. The following table describes the date ranges and in which reporting tool they are available.
Table 1. Date Ranges
Date Option Web Reporting Cognos based Tivoli Common Reporting Description
All Yes Yes All dates
Date Range Below / Custom Yes Yes A user defined date range
Today Yes Yes Today
Yesterday Yes Yes Yesterday
Last 7 days No Yes Previous 7 days including current date
Last 30 days No Yes Previous 30 days including current date
Last 90 days No Yes Previous 90 days including current date
Last 365 days No Yes Previous 365 days including current date
Current Week to date Yes Yes The start of the calendar week to the current date
Current Month to date Yes Yes The start of the calendar month to the current date
Current Year to date Yes Yes The start of the calendar year to the current date
Last Week Yes Yes The previous calendar week
Last Month Yes Yes The previous calendar month
Last year Yes Yes The previous calendar year
Current Week Yes Yes The current calendar week
Current Month Yes Yes The current calendar month
Current Year Yes Yes The current calendar year
Current Period Yes Yes The current fiscal period as defined in the CIMSCalendar table
Previous Period Yes Yes The previous fiscal period as defined in the CIMSCalendar table
Fiscal Year Yes Yes The fiscal year as defined in the CIMSCalendar table
Previous Fiscal Year Yes Yes The previous fiscal year as defined in the CIMSCalendar table
Fiscal Year to date Yes Yes The start of the fiscal year as defined in the CIMSCalendar table to the current date
Previous Fiscal Year to date Yes Yes The previous fiscal year as defined in the CIMSCalendar table to the current date of the previous year
The reports support a fiscal year with either 12 or 13 periods.
Note: The start of a calendar week is Sunday.