Supplemental information in UML diagrams

In UML diagrams, you can add text, notes, comments, images, geometric shapes, and URLs to provide additional information about the elements or the diagram.
The following table describes the elements that you can add to a UML diagram to provide more information about it.
Item UML element Description
Comments and comment attachments Yes Comments contain textual information and appear in both the Project Explorer view and the diagram editor. Comment attachments connect comments to diagram elements. You can attach comments to a diagram to provide review feedback or observations about a particular diagram element. You can apply documentation, URLs, and shortcut stereotypes to a comment.
Geometric shapes No You can add geometric shapes, such as triangles, to UML diagrams to add visual interest and provide additional information. These shapes do not have any UML semantics but can provide visual differentiation.
Notes and Note Attachments No A note contains textual information. You can use a note attachment to connect a note to one or many diagram elements.
Text No You can use text to add additional information to diagrams and diagram elements. Text is not attached to a particular element in the diagram.
URLs Yes A URL is a stereotyped comment. When you add a URL to your diagram, it appears in both the Project Explorer view and the diagram. In the diagram editor, you can use a comment attachment to connect a URL to another diagram element. You can add a URL or file path to point to supporting information about a diagram element. You can attach a single URL to multiple diagram elements. You can also add images to your diagrams by adding URLs that reference the image files.
