Extending Heat orchestration engines

To connect the blueprint design server to an OpenStack-based cloud, extend the Heat orchestration engine that is associated with the cloud. By extending the engine, you add custom types to it so that you can use it with the blueprint design server.

Before you begin


  1. Download and extract the installation files for the engine. These files are available for download from the IBM Passport Advantage® website. See the IBM UrbanCode Deploy download document.
  2. Change to the /ibm-ucd-patterns-install/engine-install/ directory.
  3. From the command line, run the ./extend-ucd-existing-engine.sh command to install the IBM UrbanCode Deploy plug-in.
    Note: The extend-existing-engine.sh script can only be used with the provided heat engine that comes with IBM UrbanCode Deploy blueprint designer. It installs both the IBM UrbanCode Deploy plug-in and the ibm-cloud-ext package.
  4. The installer asks if you have satisfied the dependencies. If you configured the system with the prerequisites for the engine, press Y.
  5. Read the license agreements for the software package. Press Space to show one page at a time, or press F to show the entire license.
  6. If you agree to the terms of all of the license agreements, press Y, and then press Enter.
  7. Optional: If you use a Kilo-level Heat engine and apply Chef roles to environments, modify the engine to be compatible with Chef. Run the following commands:
    sed -i '125,127 s/^/#/' /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/heat/engine/resources/openstack/heat/software_deployment.py
    sed -n '125,127p' /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/heat/engine/resources/openstack/heat/software_deployment.py
    The following text is displayed in the command line:
    # constraints=[#
        constraints.CustomConstraint('nova.server')# ]
  8. Restart the engine and the Heat API. See the documentation for your cloud system.
  9. Verify that the new resource types are available in the engine by running the following command:
    heat resource-type-list
    If you see resource types that start with IBM::EC2 and IBM::UrbanCode, such as IBM::EC2::Port and IBM::UrbanCode::SoftwareDeploy::UCD, you correctly added the required types to the engine.


The engine is configured to work with the blueprint design server.

What to do next

Install a blueprint design server.
