Security types

A security type is a product area that has permissions defined for it. There are several security types predefined. They are system, release, application, deployment, status, and initiatives and changes.

Each security types has a set of permissions that affect how users interact with the associated product area. For example, permissions for the release security type define release-related activities, such as creating and editing a release. Other than the Status security type, permissions are predefined. Additional permissions are added to the Status security type, when you create a status. To create a status, see Creating and assigning quality statuses.

Permissions are granted to roles, when you create a role. All security types and associated permissions are available when you create a role. You do not have to accept all permissions for a security type. You can remove a permission from a role. You can also revoke permissions from the predefined roles.

Any user who is assigned to a role automatically gains the permissions that are granted to the role. For information about creating roles, see Creating roles and assigning permissions. To create roles, you must have the Manage Roles and Permissions permission which is part of the system security type.

System security type permissions

The system type permissions affect security and system-wide areas, such integrations and environments. In addition to the Administrator role, which has all permissions, manager-type roles are typically given a number of permissions of this security type. For example, the default Release Manager role has several permissions of this type. Typically, the Manage Security Realms and Manage Users and Groups permissions are only granted to administrators.

Table 1. Permissions for the system security type
Permission Where used Description
Manage Security Realms Manage Security Create, edit, view, and delete authentication and authorization realms
Manage Users and Groups Manage Security Create, edit, view, and delete users and groups.
Manage Roles and Permissions Manage Security Create, edit, view, and delete roles. Grant or revoke role permissions.
Manage Teams and Membership Manage Security Create, edit, view, and delete teams. Add users and groups to teams; remove users and groups from teams.
Manage System Settings Settings View and edit the values in the System Settings tab of the Settings page.
View Audit Logs Settings View the Audit Log tab of the Settings page.
Manage Authentication Tokens Settings View and create tokens in the Authentication Tokens tab of the Settings page.
Manage Notifications Settings View and edit notification schemes and templates in the Settings page.
Manage Integrations Integrations Create, edit, view, and delete integrations.
Edit Lifecycles Release Process > Lifecycles Create, view, and edit lifecycles.
Edit Statuses Release Process > Quality Statuses Create, edit, view, and delete statuses.
Edit Process Checklists Release Process > Process Checklist Templates Create, edit, view, and delete checklists and checklist templates.
Edit Release Environments Environments Create, edit, view, and delete environments. Map application to release environments.
Edit Environment Activities Calendar > Environment Schedule Create, edit, view, and delete environment activities.
Manage Backup Users Manage Security Create, edit, view, and delete backup users.

Application security type permissions

The permissions for the application security type allow users to create applications, and add comments to applications. These permissions are granted to manager-type roles. For example, the default QA Manager role has these permissions.

Table 2. Permissions for the application security type
Permission Where used Description
Edit Application Applications Create, edit, view, and delete applications.
Edit Status Comments and Attachments Applications > selected_application Add, edit, view, and delete comments and attachments to application versions.
View Application Environments Environments View the Application Environments tab on the Environments page.
Edit Application Environments Environments Add or remove tags from application environments.

Release security type permissions

The permissions for the release type allow users to do release-related activities, including creating releases and running deployments. The permissions that are granted for this type vary and depend on the user's role. The Observer default role, for example, allows users to view releases but not create them or run deployments.

Table 3. Permissions for the release security type
Permission Where used Description
View Releases Releases and Deployments > Releases View releases assigned to your team. This permission is required for the edit, create, and delete releases permissions to work.
Edit Releases Releases and Deployments > Releases This permission provides the following activities:
  • View releases
  • Add milestones to a release
  • Add approval requests to a phase
  • Grant approvals
  • Change the release's default plan
Recurring Deployments Create, edit, view, and delete recurring deployments.
Deployments > scheduled_deployment > Content and Notifications Add notifications to a scheduled deployment. Create a release version.
Create Release Releases & Deployments > Releases Create a release.
Delete Release Releases and Deployments > Releases Delete a release.
Exempt Gates Deployments > scheduled_deployment > Content and Notifications Override the gate status of a deployment. Create a gate exemption.
Edit Task Tags Deployments > scheduled_deployment Create, edit, and delete task tags.
Edit Enterprise Events Calendar > Events Create, edit, view, and delete teams events.
Edit Enterprise Event Types Calendar > Event Types Create, edit, view, and delete teams event types.
Reserve Environments Release & Deployments > scheduled_deployment > phase Reserve an environment.
Assign Participating Applications Release & Deployments > scheduled_deployment > Add New Add applications to the release.
Edit Enterprise Deployment Events Release & Deployments > scheduled_deployment Create, edit, and delete events on related deployments.

Deployment security type permissions

The Deployment security type permissions allow managing of deployment plans, segments, and tasks. Users with these permissions can create, modify, remove, and view deployment plans, and run deployments

Table 4. Permissions for the deployment security type
Permission Where used Description
Edit Deployment Plans Deployment Plans > selected_deployment View, create, delete, and edit deployment plans, plan segments, and tasks.
Execute Deployment Tasks Deployments > scheduled_deployment Start, skip, fail, or restart a task in a scheduled deployment that is already in progress.
Lock Deployments Deployments > scheduled_deployment Lock and unlock deployment plans.
Edit segments Deployments Create, edit, and delete scheduled deployment segments.
Override Automated Task States Deployments > scheduled_deployment Change the status of automated tasks.
Override Manual Task States Deployments > scheduled_deployment Change the status of manual tasks.
Start Deployments Releases & Deployments > Deployments > deployment > Execution & Deployment Plan > Start Deployment Start, abort, and reopen scheduled deployments.
Schedule Deployments Releases & Deployments > Deployments Create, edit, and delete scheduled deployments.
Select Versions to Deploy Releases & Deployments > Deployments Schedule a specific application version deployment.

Initiatives and changes

Table 5. Permissions for the initiatives and changes security type
Permission Where used Description
Edit initiatives Initiatives > initiative_name Modify initiatives.
Edit changes Changes Modify changes.

Status security type permissions

The permissions for the status type permit users to apply and edit the quality statuses. For example, if a lifecycle gate requires a specific status, only users with permission to use the status can apply it during a deployment.

Each status has its own permission; users might be able to add some statuses but not others. Initially, there are three quality statuses. As you create more statuses, they are listed among the other statuses in the Status area of the Manage Roles page.

Note: To create statuses, you must have the Edit Statuses permission for the System security type.
Table 6. Default permissions for the status security type
Permission Where used Description
Manual QA Pass Release Process > Lifecycle > lifecycle_name > Add Gate Add a pass the manual quality assurance gate.
QA Manager Review Pass Release Process > Lifecycle > lifecycle_name > Add Gate Add a pass the manager review gate.
Unit Tests Pass Release Process > Lifecycle > lifecycle_name > Add Gate Add a pass unit tests gate.