Distribution Plot Tab

Plot. Select the type of distribution. Select Selected fields to show the distribution of the selected field. Select All flags (true values) to show the distribution of true values for flag fields in the dataset.

Field. Select a nominal or flag field for which to show the distribution of values. Only fields that have not been explicitly set as numeric appear on the list.

Overlay. Select a nominal or flag field to use as a color overlay, illustrating the distribution of its values within each value of the specified field. For example, you can use marketing campaign response (pep) as an overlay for number of children (children) to illustrate responsiveness by family size. See the topic Aesthetics, Overlays, Panels, and Animation for more information.

Normalize by color. Select to scale bars so that all bars take up the full width of the graph. The overlay values equal a proportion of each bar, making comparisons across categories easier.

Sort. Select the method used to display values in the distribution graph. Select Alphabetic to use alphabetical order or By count to list values in decreasing order of occurrence.

Proportional scale. Select to scale the distribution of values so that the value with the largest count fills the full width of the plot. All other bars are scaled against this value. Deselecting this option scales bars according to the total counts of each value.