
Shifts in the level of a time series that cannot be explained are referred to as outliers. These observations are inconsistent with the remainder of the series and can dramatically influence the analysis and, consequently, affect the forecasting ability of the time series model.

The following figure displays several types of outliers commonly occurring in time series. The blue lines represent a series without outliers. The red lines suggest a pattern that might be present if the series contained outliers. These outliers are all classified as deterministic because they affect only the mean level of the series.

Figure 1. Outlier types
Outlier types

Outlier detection in time series involves determining the location, type, and magnitude of any outliers present. Tsay (1988) proposed an iterative procedure for detecting mean level change to identify deterministic outliers. This process involves comparing a time series model that assumes no outliers are present to another model that incorporates outliers. Differences between the models yield estimates of the effect of treating any given point as an outlier.