Installing the concurrent license manager

Before end users install IBM® SPSS® Modeler on their desktop computers, you must install the concurrent license manager. This utility is a continuously executing service or daemon that you will typically install on one computer on your network. (You also have the option of installing on multiple computers, in which case you would set up redundant license managers. For more information, see the topic Setting up redundant license servers .) You do not install the concurrent license manager on the end users' desktop computers.

Whenever an end user starts a concurrent-licensed IBM SPSS application, the application will request a license from the license manager. This utility will deliver licenses up to a fixed number of simultaneous end users, determined by the license that you have purchased. After this number has been met, any further requests for licenses will be refused. If you find that end users are often being refused licenses, you can contact your sales representative to purchase a license that will allow more simultaneous users.

Note: The license manager will record the number of active end-user sessions and information about each session in a log file, which you can use to troubleshoot connection problems. See the topic Obtaining log information for more information.

Multiple operating systems

The platform on which the concurrent license manager is running does not have to match the platform on which the client is running. For example, a Linux license manager can serve up licenses for Windows clients.

Administering the license manager

You administer the license manager using the license manager administrator, which is available only for Windows. Therefore, you need at least one Windows machine on which to install the license manager administrator.

System requirements

The computer on which you install the concurrent license manager must meet the following requirements. The license manager does not require a server class machine.

  • 550 Mhz or higher processor
  • 128 MB of RAM or more
Important: If a firewall is running on the computer on which the license manager is installed, you must open port 5093 for UDP. Otherwise, client computers will not be able to retrieve a license from the license manager. Furthermore, if you are using redundant license manager machines, you must open port 5099 for UDP to enable the license manager machines to communicate with each other.