Managing custom node dialogs

The Custom Dialog Builder for Extensions allows you to manage custom node dialogs, within extensions that are created by you or by other users. Custom node dialogs must be installed to all instances of SPSS® Modeler Client or SPSS Modeler Batch where they are neededbefore they can be used. Note that there is nothing that needs to be installed to SPSS Modeler Server to use a custom dialog node in server mode.

Note: You can only modify custom node dialogs that are created in IBM® SPSS Modeler.

Opening an extension that contains custom node dialogs

You can open an extension bundle file (.mpe) that contains the specifications for one or more custom node dialogs or you can open an installed extension. You can modify any of the nodedialogs in the extension and save or install the extension. Installing the extension installs the node dialogs that are contained in the extension. Saving the extension saves changes that were made to any of the node dialogs in the extension.

To open an extension bundle file, from the menus in the Custom Dialog Builder for Extensions choose:

File > Open

To open an installed extension, from the menus in the Custom Dialog Builder for Extensions choose:

File > Open Installed

Note: If you are opening an installed extension to modify it, choosing File > Install reinstalls it, replacing the existing version. Using Edit on the context menu of a node created using the Custom Dialog Builder will not open the node dialog in the Custom Dialog Builder.

Saving to an extension bundle file

Saving the extension that is open in the Custom Dialog Builder for Extensions also saves the custom node dialogs that are contained in the extension. Extensions are saved to an extension bundle file (.mpe).

From the menus in the Custom Dialog Builder for Extensions, choose:

File > Save

Installing an extension

Installing the extension that is open in the Custom Dialog Builder for Extensions also installs the custom node dialogs that are contained in the extension. Installing an existing extension replaces the existing version, which includes replacing all custom node dialogs in the extension that were already installed.

To install the currently open extension, from the menus in the Custom Dialog Builder for Extensions choose:

File > Install

By default, extensions are installed to a general user-writable location for your operating system. For more information, see the topic Installation locations for extensions.

Note: In an open stream, the existing versions of the node dialogs that are contained in the extension will not be replaced. When you open a stream that contains a Custom Dialog Builder node that has been re-installed, you will receive a warning message.

Uninstalling an extension

From the menus in the Custom Dialog Builder for Extensions, choose:

File > Uninstall

Uninstalling an extension uninstalls all custom node dialogs that are contained in the extension. You can also uninstall extensions from the Extension Hub.

Importing a custom dialog package file

You can import a custom dialog package (.cfd) file into the Custom Dialog Builder for Extensions. The .cfd file is converted into a .cfe file, which is added to a new extension.

From the menus in the Custom Dialog Builder for Extensions, choose:

File > Import

You can also add .cfe files to an extension from the Extension Properties dialog, which is accessed from Extension > Properties within the Custom Dialog Builder for Extensions.

Adding a custom node dialog to an extension

You can add a new custom nodedialog to an extension.

From the menus in the Custom Dialog Builder for Extensions, choose:

Extension > New Dialog

Switching between multiple custom node dialogs in an extension

If the current extension contains multiple custom node dialogs, you can switch between them.

From the menus in the Custom Dialog Builder for Extensions, choose:

Extension > Edit Dialog and select the custom node dialog that you want to work with.

Creating a new extension

When you create a new extension in the Custom Dialog Builder for Extensions, a new empty custom node dialog is added to the extension.

To create a new extension, from the menus in the Custom Dialog Builder for Extensions choose:

File > New

Extensions in SPSS Modeler Batch or in IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services

To use extensions in an SPSS Modeler Batch or IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services installation, ensure that the environment variable IBM_SPSS_MODELER_EXTENSION_PATH is defined on the target environment, and that it points to the location that contains the extensions. If the streams that contain a custom node were stored to the IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services Repository before the IBM_SPSS_MODELER_EXTENSION_PATH environment variable was defined, you must re-store the streams to the repository before they will run successfully.

Note: Ensure that the version of the SPSS Modeler Batch or IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services adapter for SPSS Modeler matches the version of SPSS Modeler Client where the extension was created.