tm1odataimport Node Properties

The IBM Cognos TM1 source node imports data from Cognos TM1 databases.
Table 1. tm1odataimport node properties
tm1odataimport node properties Data type Property description
admin_host string The URL for the host name of the REST API.
server_name string The name of the TM1 server selected from the admin_host.
credential_type inputCredential or storedCredential Used to indicate the credential type.
input_credential list When the credential_type is inputCredential; specify the domain, user name and password.
stored_credential_name string When the credential_type is storedCredential; specify the name of credential on the C&DS server.
selected_view ["field" "field"] A list property containing the details of the selected TM1 cube and the name of the cube view from where data will be imported into SPSS. For example: TM1_import.setPropertyValue("selected_view", ['plan_BudgetPlan', 'Goal Input'])
selected_columns ["field" ] Specify the selected column; only one item can be specified. For example: setPropertyValue("selected_columns", ["Measures"])
selected_rows ["field" "field"] Specify the selected rows. For example: setPropertyValue("selected_rows", ["Dimension_1_1", "Dimension_2_1", "Dimension_3_1", "Periods"])