Exporting and importing standard operating procedure definitions

You can export your standard operating procedure definitions as an XML file, and import a previously exported standard operating procedure definitions file.


In the Solution Administration view, click Configuration Tools > Standard Operating Procedures > Definition.

  • To export your standard operating procedure definitions to an XML file, do the following substeps:
    1. From the Definition Actions drop-down list, select Export All.
    2. In the window that is displayed, click Save File, and then browse to a location to save the exported standard operating procedure definitions.
  • To import standard operating procedure definitions from a previously exported XML file, do the following substeps:
    1. From the Definition Actions drop-down list, select Import.
    2. In the Import Standard Operating Procedures window, choose a file to upload. The imported definitions are displayed in the list of standard operating procedure definitions. You can import a standard operating procedure definition that has the same name as an existing standard operating procedure definition. In this case, the existing standard operating procedure definition is not overwritten. Instead, two standard operating procedure definitions with the same name are displayed in the list of definitions.