About the virtual appliance

This guide provides information about creating, configuring, backing up and recovering virtual appliances. Virtual appliances run in a virtual environment and are packaged with a guest operating system and optional application software, while integration appliances are physical machines.

App Connect products perform equally well in both the virtual and physical worlds. You can install the CIOS on a single virtual machine running one integration project or on multiple virtual machines running many projects to create a data center infrastructure. For information on creating virtual appliances with CIOS as the guest operating system, see Deploying an OVF template.

Your virtual appliance environment should consist of the following:
  • A host machine (desktop computer or server).
  • CPU (for example Intel® VT-x or AMD®-V) with virtualization technology enabled. (In some cases, virtualization technology must be enabled through BIOS).
  • 70 GB disk space.
  • Supported configuration of either 2 CPU, 8 GB RAM or 4 CPU, 16 GB RAM. Ensure that the host has enough physical RAM to run the selected configuration or system performance might be affected.
  • VMware® ESX® or ESXi version 6.5, 6.7, or 7.0.2. For more information on VMware products and ESX, go to http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/microsite.do and click VMware ESX and ESXi Comparison.

    IBM App Connect Professional was certified on ESXi 6.5 and ESXi 6.7 using V7.5.4 and details recorded.

  • App Connect Hypervisor Edition installation file (in OVA format).
  • VMware vCenter® Server, 6.7 (optional).
  • VMware VMotion® and VMware High Availability add-ons (optional). When added to your installation, VMware add-ons can manage and balance your workload across virtual machines, find an optimum data center location for a virtual machine and manage OS related failures. Refer to VMware documentation to learn more about add-ons and for tips on setting up your virtual environment.
Note: Shared storage, such as a SAN, is optional. Shared storage is required to enable VMware features such as VMware VMotion and VMware High Availability.
Last updated: Tueday, 24 March 2020