Known issues

This topic lists the known issues in Sterling B2B Integrator.

Before you use Sterling B2B Integrator, ensure to understand the known issues that might need you to follow certain workarounds for smooth functioning.

The following sections provide a list of Known Issues specific to every version.

List of Known Issues for v6.1.0.x

Functionality Known Issue Workaround
Installation Special characters cannot be used for creating database passwords. For information on the list of unsupported characters see, Unsupported Characters List. No workaround available.
myFileGateway 2.0

While installing Sterling B2B Integrator by using the IBM Installation Manager, If myFileGateway 2.0 is hosted on multiple HTTP Server Adapter on AC and ASI nodes, then you must access the adapter configured in sandbox.cfg.

The following properties contain the information of the configured adapters in sandbox.cfg:
Tip: Value for MYFG_PROTOCOL can be http or https.
No workaround available.

While installing Sterling B2B Integrator by using Certified Container, if myFileGateway 2.0 is hosted on multiple HTTP Server Adapter on AC and ASI nodes, then you must access the adapters configured in values.yaml.

The following properties contain the information of the configured adapters in values.yaml.

myFileGateway 2.0 does not support a zero size file upload, as the underlying library (fine-uploader) does not support this option. No workaround available
No support for Sterling Secure Proxy. No workaround available
The swagger UI is not accessible in myFileGateway 2.0 with Oracle 19c and DB2 in an SSL-enabled mode. Follow these steps:
For Oracle 19c, install Oracle driver v19.3 and replace the jdbc.url in file with the following:

jdbc:oracle:thin:@tcps://<DB IP>:<DB Port>/<DB SID>?<path of truststore>&<truststore password>
&<path to keystore>&<keystore password>    
For DB2:

jdbc:db2://<DB IP>:<DB Port>/<DB Name>:sslConnection=true; 
sslTrustStoreLocation=<truststore path>;sslTrustStorePassword=<truststore password>
In a broadcast scenario, the myFileGateway 2.0 UI does not display the details in case of any failure. The system only throws an exception in the UI. You must check the myFileGateway 2.0 log files for details on the failure.
In a broadcast scenario, events for individual consumers is not displayed in the Route tab. You can check for details in the Delivery tab.
The name of CUST_0201 code is displayed as Null in the myFileGateway 2.0 UI under the Notification tab. No workaround available
The Redelivery events (FG_0422 and FG_0423) are not displayed in File Activity when a file is redelivered from the myFileGateway 2.0 UI. No workaround available
SFTP Server Adapter 2.0 No support for SCP in SFTP Server Adapter 2.0. No workaround available
SOCKS and HTTP Proxy servers are not supported in SFTP Server Adapter 2.0. No workaround available
The system does not display Chinese characters properly with SFTP Server Adapter 2.0.

You must set the LANG field of the locale setting to en_US.UTF-8.

You must execute the below command on IBM® Sterling Connect:Enterprise® Command Line Client or OpenSSH client::
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8

Folders with Umlauts fails in SFTP Server Adapter 2.0. The directory and the parent directory listing fails and you cannot see any content under parent directories.

To work with the Folders with Umlauts in SFTP Server Adapter 2.0, you must set the LANG field of the locale setting to en_US.UTF-8.

You must execute the below command on IBM Sterling Connect:Enterprise Command Line Client or OpenSSH client:

export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
The system displays the following error message if you try to connect to SFTP Server Adapter 2.0 using IBM Sterling Connect:Enterprise Command Line Client or OpenSSH client:

Unable to negotiate with 
<hostipaddress> port <portnumber>: no matching host key type found. 
Their offer: ssh-dss
Connection closed**

You must add -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss to the SSH command.

For example:

sftp -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss -oPort=<portnumber> <userid>@<hostipaddress>
The Transfer Thread Pool Size and Channels Per Transfer Thread fields are not supported in SFTP Server Adapter 2.0. No workaround available
SFTP Adapter Filenames containing Norwegian characters are replaced with non-readable characters after upgrading from v5.2.6.3 to v6.0.0.4. This behavior is observed only when you upload the file using a specific SFTP Client (Tectia).

This change is because Maverick v1.7 uses UTF-8 as the file encoding standard while the previous versions use ISO-8859-1.

All Sterling B2B Integrator releases that use Maverick v1.7 have this difference in the behavior with Norwegian characters as compared to releases using Maverick v1.4.

The filename encoding format on the SFTP client must be changed to UTF-8.

If this is not possible, you must set the character encoding to ISO-8859-1 in SFTP Server Adapter.
Note: If you make changes on the server side, you must test before performing the changes on production. If not, the changes can affect the file uploads from other clients.
Certified Containers
The system displays Page not found error message when you try to access Communities from the Sterling File Gateway UI on a Certified Container platform.
Note: This issue occurs only intermittently and not always.
You must clear the browser cache and retry the operation.
The system displays the following error message on certain Helm versions when you try to install or upgrade the Helm charts.

Error: create: failed to create: 
Secret "sh.helm.release.v1..v1" is invalid: 
data: Too long: must have at most 1048576 bytes
You must add an entry ibm_cloud_pak in the /.helmignore file.
Native PGP Encryption For ClearSignature, there is no support for SHA224 algorithm. No workaround available

List of Known Issues for v6.1.0.1

Functionality Known Issue Workaround
Install and Upgrade The file size is more than 4 GB and the unzip command has issues while unzipping files of size more than 4 GB.

In a Windows environment, the unzip command does not unzip the Media file.

In a Linux/Unix environment, the unzip command unzips the Media file successfully, but with a warning message.

Use the jar utility from JDK to unzip the Media file. Use the following command:
jar -xvf <Path to Media>
Note: To run this command from any directory, set the PATH environment variable, else run the command from the jdk/bin dir location.
Kafka Visibility If Document Tracking is enabled on BP, the first event that contains the Tracking ID does not have details of EDI transaction such as sender/receiver/direction/standard as this event is generated outside of the EDI flow and before sender/receiver is determined. No workaround available
If Document Tracking is not enabled on EDI BP and if custom correlations are defined for the workflow, then Tracking ID is seen as null for custom correlation event. No workaround available
After reconciliation flow, the GroupAckStatus and InterchangeAckStatus is missing in Kafka. No workaround available
myFileGateway 2.0 No support for Single Sign On. No workaround available
No support for basic authentication in the HTTP Server Adapter. You must disable User Authentication Required while configuring the adapter for myFileGateway 2.0. No workaround available
SSL support:

No support for Client authentication. Supports only Server authentication.

No workaround available
If myFileGateway 2.0 is hosted on multiple HTTP Server Adapter on AC and ASI nodes, then you must access the adapters configured in values.yaml.
The following properties contain the information of the configured adapters in values.yaml.

No workaround available
In a broadcast scenario, the myFileGateway 2.0 UI does not display the details in case of any failure. The system only throws an exception in the UI. You must check the myFileGateway 2.0 log files for details on the failure.
In a broadcast scenario, events for individual consumers is not displayed in the Route tab. You can check for details in the Delivery tab.
The name of CUST_0201 code is displayed as Null in the myFileGateway 2.0 UI under the Notification tab. No workaround available
The Redelivery events (FG_0422 and FG_0423) are not displayed in File Activity when a file is redelivered from the myFileGateway 2.0 UI. No workaround available

List of Known Issues for v6.1.0.2

There are no Known Issues.

List of Known Issues for v6.1.0.3

Functionality Known Issue Workaround
Certified Containers Exporting a Kubernetes Secret key, which contains binary data (For example: certificate data), using extraEnvs[] section does not work as expected. This is because it is impossible to store NUL-byte inside a Linux environment variable, which is usually present in certificate data. No workaround available
myFileGateway 2.0 The Sterling Secure Proxy application hangs when it remains idle for longer than the duration specified for the Sterling External Authentication Server token expiration.
Note: This is applicable only when myFileGateway 2.0 is integrated with Sterling Secure Proxy.
You must close the browser and access the Sterling Secure Proxy Login page again in a new window.
In a broadcast scenario, the myFileGateway 2.0 UI does not display the details in case of any failure. The system only throws an exception in the UI. You must check the myFileGateway 2.0 log files for details on the failure.
In a broadcast scenario, events for individual consumers is not displayed in the Route tab. You can check for details in the Delivery tab.
The name of CUST_0201 code is displayed as Null in the myFileGateway 2.0 UI under the Notification tab. No workaround available
The Redelivery events (FG_0422 and FG_0423) are not displayed in File Activity when a file is redelivered from the myFileGateway 2.0 UI. No workaround available

List of Known Issues for v6.1.0.4

Functionality Known Issue Workaround
Native PGP Operations The system throws an error when you try to decrypt a file using Native PGP that is encrypted by Symantec (command line PGP) and SDS E Business Server.
mftp15616.txt.pgp is not a PGP
encrypted document"
You must upgrade to Sterling B2B Integrator v6.1.0.4.
Symantec is unable to decrypt the encrypted PGP packets sent by Sterling B2B Integrator native PGP. You must upgrade to Symantec v10.5.0 MP2.

List of Known Issues for v6.1.0.5

Functionality Known Issue Workaround
Configuring SFTPServerUserExits via API through the Customization UI SFTP server adapters fail to start due to obsolete parameters in the SftpServerUserExits.xml file.
After you upgrade to Sterling B2B Integrator v6.1.0.5, to enable the server adapters, you need to manually remove the following attributes from the SftpServerUserExits.xml file present in <install-directory>/properties/userexit and restart:
  • default-autowire="no"
  • default-lazy-init="false"
  • default-merge="false"
  • autowire="default"
  • lazy-init="default
  • default-dependency-check
  • dependency-check
Important: All of these attributes are removed from the Spring version 5.3.5 and there are no additional functional impact during the run.
After the restart, you will find that the attributes are automatically added again, however, the SFTP server adapters do not fail any longer and can be enabled.

For new UserExits, you need to repeat the steps mentioned above.

List of Known Issues for v6.1.0.5_1

Functionality Known Issue Workaround
iFix Version The IIM panel displays only the base version number; it does not display the iFix version number.

You must refer to DUMP_INFO to obtain the correct version of the iFix.

List of Known Issues for v6.1.0.7

Functionality Known Issue Workaround
NativePGP Encryption IBM Sterling File Gateway (FG) fails the route while encryption is in progress for large uncompressed files. The file routing fails as the default timeout is set to 20 minutes in the following properties:
Navigate to the file and add the following properties:
When the timeout is increased to 60 minutes, FG waits for the PGP package service to complete.
Installation of IBM Sterling B2B Integrator using Certified Container JMX Monitoring is not supported in certified container deployments. No workaround.