Using Red Hat OpenShift Developer Catalog

You can install Sterling B2B Integrator using Red Hat OpenShift Developer Catalog.

Follow these steps:
  1. Download the Certified Container image from Passport Advantage.
  2. Push the Certified Container on to the Catalog UI using the following steps
    1. Configure the CLI tools for the cluster using the steps mentioned here - CLI Tools Guide.
    2. Log in to the cluster console as an administrator user using cloudtcl login command.
    3. Push the Certified Container archive (ibm-b2bi-prod-1.0.0.tgz) downloaded from PA to the Catalog UI using the following command:
      cloudctl catalog load-chart --archive ibm-b2bi-prod-1.0.0.tgz [--repo HELM_REPO_NAME]

      For more information on pushing the archives, see IBM Cloud Private CLI catalog commands (catalog).

  3. Open the Cluster console using a browser, navigate to the Catalog tab, search for the Certified Container (ibm-b2bi-prod). Open the Certified Container and perform the following steps to deploy Sterling B2B Integrator.
    1. Ensure the prerequisites are all taken care as mentioned in the Overview tab.
    2. Select Configure and provide these details - Helm release name, Target namespace, and Target cluster.
    3. Add the following mandatory parameters.
      1. StorageClass Name
      2. Database Server Vendor
      3. Database Host
      4. Database Port
      5. Database User
      6. Database Name
      7. Database Secret
      8. Database Driver
      9. Email Address
      10. SMTP host details
    4. Update the following details in the All parameters section.
      1. System Passphrase
      2. Image tag
      3. Image Repository
      4. B2BI Image Pull Secret
    5. Accept the license agreement and click Install to deploy the Certified Container.

      After the successful installation, the system creates a Release, which can be seen in Menu > Workloads > Helm Releases.

      • Click the Release Name and all the Kubernetes resources, created as a part of the deployment like statefulsets, services, pods, configmaps, and pvc, is displayed on the UI.
      • You can verify the status of the pods.
      • You can monitor Kubernetes resources using basic kubectl commands such as:
        kubectl get pods
        kubectl get statefulset
        kubectl get services