Using Helm Command Line

You can install Sterling B2B Integrator using Helm Command Line.

Follow these steps:

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name my-release, ensure it is locally available.
Run the following command:

helm install <release name> --values=<path to custom values yaml> <path to charts directory>
Note: Depending on the capacity of the Kubernetes worker node and database network connectivity, the chart deployment can take an average of :
  • 2-3 minutes for installation against a preloaded database.
  • 20-30 minutes for installation against a new or older release upgrade.

Upgrading the Chart

You can upgrade the existing deployment when you have a new Docker image or a Helm chart version or a change in the configuration.

To upgrade the chart with the release name my-release, ensure it is locally available.

Run the following command:

helm upgrade <release name> --values=<path to custom values yaml> <path to charts directory>

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall or delete the my-release deployment, run the following command:

$ helm delete my-release  --purge --tls
  • Since there are certain kubernetes resources created using the pre-install hook, the helm delete command tries to delete them as a post delete activity. In case it fails to do so, you must manually delete the following resources created by the chart:
    • ConfigMap - <release name>-b2bi-config
    • PersistentVolumeClaim, if persistence is enabled - <release name>-b2bi-resources-pvc
    • PersistentVolumeClaim, if persistence is enabled and enableAppLogOnConsole is disabled - <release name>-b2bi-logs-pvc
  • You can also delete the secrets and persistent volume created as part of prerequisites.