Installing Standards jar and configuring Map Editor

You can install Standards jar and configure Map Editor, before Helm chart installation, on a Certified Container setup.

Follow these steps:
  1. Get the required version of Exe_bundle_standards_<version>.jar from the Fix Central.
  2. Place the jar file under volume mapped to /ibm/resources. The jar from this location is picked up and installed during helm install or helm upgrade operation.
    Note: It is the same volume that is used as persistent volume for appResourcesPVC section in values.yaml.
    The following properties under ASI or AC section in values.yaml can be modified with appropriate values depending upon the target environment of Map Test HTTP Server Adapter.
          host: "<hostname>"
            enabled: <value1>
            secretName: ""
            - routePrefix: "maptest"
              path: "/maptest"
              servicePort: "maptest-http"
              enableHttps: <value2>
    <hostname> can be ASI or AC ingress hostname based on the target environment of Map Test Http Server Adapter.
Note: You must run the following command, if you make the above changes on a running setup.

helm upgrade <release-name> --timeout 3600s --recreate-pods

Deployment Scenarios

The following are the various deployment scenarios in which Map Editor can be used.
  • Map Editor Client to Openshift Route over HTTP and Openshift Route to Map Test HTTP Server Adapter over HTTP with tls disabled.
    <value1> = false
    <value2> = false
    Use <Route hostname of asi or ac>:75 as servername:port while testing a map from Map Editor Client.
  • Map Editor Client to Openshift Route over HTTPS and Openshift Route to Map Test HTTP Server Adapter over HTTP with tls disabled.
    <value1> = true
    <value2> = false
    Use <Route hostname of asi or ac>:438 as servername:port while testing a map from Map Editor Client.
    Note: You must add the route certificate to the truststore where Map Editor Client is running.
  • Map Editor Client to Openshift Route over HTTPS and Openshift Route to Map Test HTTP Server Adapter over HTTPS with tls enabled.
    <value1> = true
    <value2> = true
    Use <Route hostname of asi or ac>:438 servername:port while testing a map from Map Editor Client.
    Note: You must add the route certificate to the truststore where Map Editor Client is running and patch the Sterling B2B Integrator certificate to the newly created route for maptest.
    You can open maptest-http with the above changes either in ASI or AC frontendService section based on adapter target environment.
          - name: maptest-http
            port: 30038
            targetPort: 30038
            nodePort: 30038
            protocol: TCP
    Note: The targetPort is the port on which Map Test HTTP Server Adapter is deployed.

Adding Certificates to Trust Store

You can add certificates to trust store where Map Editor Client is running.

You must get the route certificate and copy it on the Map Editor Client machine, rename it to mapEditor.cer and execute the following commands.

cd <path to jre bin>
keytool.exe -import -storepass "changeit" -keystore "<path to java>\jre\lib\security\cacerts" -alias
mapEditor.cer -file "<path to certificate>\mapeditor.crt" -noprompt

Patching the Sterling B2B Integrator Certificate

You can patch maptest route with the Sterling B2B Integrator certificate used while configuring tls for Map Test HTTP Server Adapter.

DEST_CABUNDLE_FN=/<path to cert>/ASISslCert.cer 
DESTCABUNDLE=$(awk '{printf "%s\\n", $0}' ${DEST_CABUNDLE_FN})
oc patch route <name of maptest route> -p '{"spec":{"tls":{"certificate":"'"${CERTIFICATE}"'", 
"key":"'"${KEY}"'" ,"caCertificate":"'"${CABUNDLE}"'",