Configuring B2B REST APIs

By using REST APIs, you can perform certain B2B functions using Sterling B2B Integrator.

Important: Important points to note when installing B2B REST APIs:
  • After you apply any Fix Pack to Sterling B2B Integrator, you must manually re-install the b2bAPI.jar.
  • If you installed Sterling File Gateway manually after installing b2bAPI.jar, you must reinstall b2bAPI.jar so that all the new jars that are part of the Sterling File Gateway installation are picked up and deployed.
  • If you do not have Sterling File Gateway installed, but if the accept.enable.sfg property in the file is set to true, the SFG REST APIs will be visible in the Web Service Browser: API Reference UI. But, you will get NoClassDefFoundError if you attempt to use the APIs.
  • You must set the Liberty property retain.libertyProps.customization in the file to true if you want to retain the customizations that you have made. If you do not want to retain your customizations and want to deploy the jvm.options and server.xml files anew, set the retain.libertyProps.customization to false. The default value is false.

The REST API documentation is accessed using a web browser. It is composed of a set of static HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that dynamically documents the available REST APIs.