Import Trading Partner Data as a CSV File

You can import a CSV file from the command line.

Before you import, if you need to import partner information that causes overwrites, perform the following steps:
  1. Export the CSV file.
  2. Run or basicimport.cmd without the -import parameter to create the XML file.
  3. Import the XML file into Sterling B2B Integrator through the Resource Manager, which will present you with the option to specify whether objects that already exist in Sterling B2B Integrator should be overwritten.
To import a CSV file from the command line:
  1. Change to the install_dir/tp_import directory.
  2. Run one of the following commands:
    ./ -import [</path and input CSV filename>] (UNIX)

    basicimport.cmd -import [</path and input CSV filename>] (Windows)

    Note: When you run the Basic Import Utility with the -import parameter, the utility updates any existing files (if, for example, you previously imported the a CSV file with the same name as the one you are currently converting and importing). If you do not use the -import parameter, the utility will convert the CSV file to XML and you can import the XML file to Sterling B2B Integrator using the Resource Manager Import interface. Using the Resource Manager enables you to specify not to update existing items. See Importing Resources for more information on using the Resource Manager.

    The available parameter is listed in the following table:

    Option Description
    -import [</path and input CSV filename>] Specifies the name of the CSV file to import. Mandatory. Example: -import c:\import\CSVtestIf you do not use the -import parameter, the utility will convert the CSV file to XML and you can import the XML file to Sterling B2B Integrator using the Resource Manager Import interface.