Configuring the B2Bi container

The setup.cfg file contains the information that is required to configure the B2Bi container.

Create the setup.cfg file and place it in the same folder as the database jar file on the server on which you will install Sterling B2B Integrator.

To encrypt passwords and use encrypted passwords, see Encrypting passwords.

Specify new installation or upgrade

Important: You must set UPGRADE to false if you are installing Sterling B2B Integrator for the first time.

Set UPGRADE to true if you are upgrading from a previous version of Sterling B2B Integrator.

Table 1. setup.cfg file parameter for upgrade
Parameter Mandatory Description
UPGRADE Yes Set to false if you are installing Sterling B2B Integrator for the first time.

Set to true if you are upgrading from a previous version of Sterling B2B Integrator.

Licence details

The following table lists the parameters that are required in the setup.cfg file for the Sterling B2B Integrator license.

Table 2. setup.cfg file parameters for the Sterling B2B Integrator license
Parameter Mandatory Description
LICENSE_ACCEPT_ENABLE_SFG No Set to true to install Sterling File Gateway. Otherwise, set to false.
LICENSE_ACCEPT_ENABLE_EBICS No Set to true to install EBICS. Otherwise, set to false.
LICENSE_ACCEPT_ENABLE_FINANCIAL_SERVICES No Set to true to install Financial Services Module. Otherwise, set to false.
LICENSE_ACCEPT_ENABLE_FIPS No Set to true to install FIPS Module. Otherwise, set to false.

Security configurations

The following table lists the parameters that are required in the setup.cfg file to configure the security.

Table 3. setup.cfg file parameters to configure the security
Parameter Mandatory Description
SYSTEM_PASSPHRASE Yes The system passphrase.
ENABLE_FIPS_MODE No Set to true to enable FIPS compliance mode. Otherwise, set to false.
NIST_COMPLIANCE_MODE No NIST 800-131a compliance mode. Set to strict, transition or off.

Initial or base port

Set the base port number.

Table 4. setup.cfg file parameters to set up the initial or base port
Parameter Mandatory Description
INITIAL_PORT Yes The initial or base port for Sterling B2B Integrator.
NODE_IP No The IP for the node.

Set the NODE_IP to ensure that the required public IP of the machine is used.

If this property is not set, and if a server has more than 1 public interface, the node IP is automatically set to any of the public interfaces.

PUBLIC_IP No The public IP for the node.

Setting up the database

The following table lists the parameters that are required in the setup.cfg file to set up the database.

Table 5. setup.cfg file parameters to set up the database
Parameter Mandatory Description
DB_VENDOR Yes The database vendor name. It can be one of the following: DB2, Oracle, or MSSQL.
DB_USER Yes The database user.
DB_PASSWORD Yes The database password.
DB_HOST Yes The database host IP address.
DB_PORT Yes The connection port for the database.
DB_DATA Yes The database name.
DB_DRIVERS Yes The location of the respective database driver file.
DB_SCHEMA_CREATE Yes Set to true, if the database is being created for the first time. Otherwise, set to false.

For example, set to true for node 1 and set to false for subsequent nodes.

ORACLE_USE_SERVICE_NAME Yes Set to true if the Oracle database is being used. Otherwise, set to false.

Email and other miscellaneous parameters

Table 6. setup.cfg file parameters for email and other miscellaneous parameters
Parameter Mandatory Description
SMTP_HOST Yes Specify the SMTP host to be configured.
ADMIN_EMAIL_ADDRESS Yes Specify the email address for the SMTP administrator.
SOFT_STOP_TIMEOUT No The time in seconds that Docker waits before shutting down the container after user runs the Docker stop command.

If you give a timeout value when you run the Docker stop command, that timeout value is considered.

It is recommended that you set the value to a minimum of 10s.

LIBERTY_JVM_OPTIONS No Updates JVM option parameters in jvm.options. If you do not pass this parameter, the values in jvm.options persist.

Values that are provided must be separated by a semicolon (;).

For example, LIBERTY_JVM_OPTIONS=-Xms256m;-Xmx512m; sets the minimum heap size to 256MB and the maximum heap size to 512MB.

JCE policy file configurations

Table 7. setup.cfg file parameters for JCE policy file configurations
Parameter Mandatory Description
UPDATE_JCE_POLICY_FILE No Set to true to update JCE policy file.
JCE_POLICY_FILE No The name of the JCE policy file. This file should be present in mapped directory.

Liberty Profile SSL configurations

Table 8. setup.cfg file parameters for Liberty Profile SSL configurations
Parameter Mandatory Description
LIBERTY_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD No The keystore cert password.
LIBERTY_KEYSTORE_LOCATION No The keystore JKS cert full physical path including the file name. This file should be present in mapped directory.
LIBERTY_PROTOCOL No Default value is TLS1.2. Use TLS1.2 protocol for SSL communication.

Parameters for messaging queue

If you are using IBM MQ, you must set the following parameters in the setup.cfg file. IBM® Sterling B2B Integrator supports only IBM MQ (formerly IBM WebSphere MQ) as a messaging queue for communication between ASI node and Adapter container.

Important: You must install IBM MQ before you create the adapter containers. You must also set the properties for IBM MQ before you create the adapter containers.
Table 9. setup.cfg file parameters for WMQ
Parameter Mandatory Description
JMS_VENDOR No The MQ vendor name.

To use IBMMQ as the messaging queue set the value to IBMMQ. All other connection details parameters are mandatory.

The default value is blank. If no value is provided, other connection detail parameters are ignored.

JMS_CONNECTION_FACTORY No For IBM MQ, specify the class that is used as the JMS connection factory.

For example,

JMS_QUEUE_NAME No The name of the queue for the MQ vendor.
JMS_USERNAME No The MQ vendor user name.
JMS_PASSWORD No The MQ vendor password.
JMS_CONNECTION_NAME_LIST No The host and port information of Active and Standby queue manager in the following format (comma separated).

<host IP>(<port>),<host IP for Standby>(<port for Standby>)

JMS_CHANNEL No The MQ vendor channel. This is only applicable for IBMMQ.
JMS_ENABLE_SSL No Set to true to enable the secure communication with the MQ using SSL.
JMS_KEYSTORE_PATH No The keystore JKS cert physical path. This file should be present in mapped directory.
JMS_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD No The keystore cert password.
JMS_TRUSTSTORE_PATH No The truststore JKS cert physical path. This file should be present in mapped directory.
JMS_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD No The truststore cert password.
JMS_CIPHERSUITE No MQ specific ciphersuite required to open the secure SSL channel.
The following ciphersuites are supported:
JMS_PROTOCOL No Default value is TLS1.2. Use TLS1.2 protocol for SSL communication.