Installing HealthCheck for Sterling B2B Integrator Version and earlier

Install HealthCheck on an instance of Sterling B2B Integrator Version and earlier.

The latest release of HealthCheck is available for download on Fix Central.

Installation is unaffected by clustered or non-clustered environments.

Note: Installing HealthCheck removes any interim fixes previously installed on this instance due to a limitation in Install Service. These interim fixes will need to be reinstalled after you install HealthCheck. This issue is fixed in Sterling B2B Integrator V5.2.4.2.

To install HealthCheck on an instance of Sterling B2B Integrator:

  1. Download the latest HealthCheck release from Fix Central.
  2. Copy the HealthCheck .jar file into the <install_dir>/packages directory.
  3. Navigate to the Sterling B2B Integrator installation directory:
    • UNIX: <install_dir>/bin
    • Windows: <install_dir>\bin
    where <install_dir> is the directory where Sterling B2B Integrator is installed.
  4. Enter the command on a UNIX system or stopWindowsService.cmd on a Windows system to stop all Sterling B2B Integrator processes.
  5. Run the InstallService script on the HealthCheck .jar file.
    • On a UNIX system, run the command <package_dir>/healthCheck_xxxxxxx.jar.
    • On a Windows system, run the command InstallService.cmd <package_dir>\healthCheck_xxxxxxx.jar.
    where xxxxxxx is the version number for HealthCheck.
  6. Reinstall the latest interim fix.
  7. Enter the command on a UNIX system or startWindowsService.cmd on a Windows system to restart Sterling B2B Integrator.

After installation, you can access the HealthCheck utility from your browser if you navigate to the following URL: http://SI_install_IP_address:port_number/healthcheck. You can also run HealthCheck from the command line by executing on a UNIX system or healthCheck.cmd on a Windows system.