IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Applications, Version

Predefined situations

The WebSphere® Message Broker Monitoring agent provides two types of predefined situations, agent-level situations and broker-level situations. Most predefined situations are designed to help you to monitor critical activities and serve as templates for creating customized situations for your own use. There are two agent-level situations, QI_Automation_Start_Component and QI_Product_Events. The broker-level predefined situations for this agent have different names according to the version of brokers. The situation names begin with the letters WMB for brokers of version 7.0 or later.

  • WMB_Average_Flow_Time_High
  • WMB_Broker_Not_Started
  • WMB_Broker_QMgr_Not_Connected
  • WMB_Exception_Terminal_Invoked
  • WMB_Monitor_Node_Events
  • WMB_MsgFlow_Elapsed_Time_High

Predefined situations are activated once they are distributed to the node that you wish to monitor. Once they are configured correctly, the situation alerts provided with the WebSphere Message Broker Monitoring agent will trigger event notification. You can edit these situations to better reflect your site-specific standards or requirements.

Remember: When you distribute a situation to the managed system, in the available managed system group list, MQSI_BROKER_V7 is the group of all managed systems for WebSphere Message Broker V7.0 or later.
Tip: If you choose to modify a predefined situation, make a copy first to ensure fallback if necessary.


The following situations issue alerts based on critical status criteria. Except where noted, these situations apply to broker-managed systems. Alerts are raised if the following conditions are met:

  • A Product Events row occurs. This situation applies to agent-managed systems. (QI_Product_Events)
  • The Component.Component Status is found to be not started. If the situation becomes true, the proper command is issued to start the component. This situation applies to agent-managed systems. (QI_Automation_Start_Component)
  • The Message Flow Statistics.Average Flow Seconds value is found to exceed a threshold. (WMB_Average_Flow_Time_High)
  • The Broker Information.Broker Status value is found to be not started. (WMB_Broker_Not_Started)
  • The Broker Information.Queue Manager Status value is found to be not connected. (WMB_Broker_QMgr_Not_Connected)
  • Messages have gone down a failure path in a message flow. You can create a new situation based on this situation using parameters that are appropriate for your environment. In this case the links included in the predefined situation are invalid. You can create a new link using the Link Wizard. (WMB_Exception_Terminal_Invoked)
  • A Message Flow Events row occurs. (WMB_Monitor_Node_Events)
  • The maximum time that any message takes to go through a given message flow during an archive statistics interval exceeds 100 milliseconds. You can create a new situation based on this situation using a threshold value that is appropriate for your environment. In this case the links included in the predefined situation are not valid. You can create a new link using the Link Wizard. (WMB_MsgFlow_Elapsed_Time_High)
