IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Applications, Version


The SET GROUP statement defines a group of queue managers that have common monitoring characteristics. It defines the default monitoring options for all queue managers that are in the group. You can use the SET MANAGER statement to override some of those parameters for a given queue manager in the group.

At least one SET GROUP statement is required.


SET GROUP NAME(group-name)
              [ERRLOGCYCLE(sampling-interval)] (distributed systems only)
              [ERRLOGMAX(max-messages-in-memory)] (distributed systems only)
              [ICYCLE(interval-cycle)] (z/OS systems only)
              [ACCOUNTINGINFO(REMOVE|BROWSE)] (distributed systems only)
                 (distributed systems only)
              [STATISTICSINFO(REMOVE|BROWSE)] (distributed systems only)
                 (distributed systems only)
              [ACTIONAUTHUSERS (user-name-mask-list)]


A 1- through 48-character group name. Subsequent commands refer to the group and its parameter settings by this name. This parameter is required.
Specifies whether this is the default group. If this parameter is set to yes, the settings in this statement apply to any SET MANAGER statement that omits the GROUP parameter. The default group is named DEFAULT.
Specifies the number of samples to maintain in recent history for all queue managers in this group. The default value is 15.
Controls the MQ Command feature. For more details, see the description of the COMMAND parameter in SET MANAGER.
Specifies, in seconds, the interval of the error log collection cycle. For more details, see the description of the ERRLOGCYCLE parameter in SET MANAGER.
Specifies the maximum number of error messages that are held in memory and displayed in the Error Log workspace. For more details, see the description of the ERRLOGMAX parameter in SET MANAGER.
Specifies how to access system event queues. For more details, see the description of the EVENTS parameter in SET MANAGER.
Specifies the high-level qualifier for queue names. The default value is KMQ. For more details, see the description of the HLQ parameter in SET MANAGER.
This parameter applies only to z/OS® systems.

Specifies the number of sample interval cycles to wait before queue manager performance data is gathered. For more details, see the description of the ICYCLE parameter in SET MANAGER.

The name of a previously defined queue manager group. Parameter values that have similar names are copied from the values in the named group definition.
This parameter is not valid for z/OS systems.

Specifies how WebSphere® MQ Monitoring agent accesses the accounting application and queue data that is produced by the queue manager. For more details, see the description of the ACCOUNTINGINFO parameter in SET MANAGER.

This parameter is not valid for z/OS systems.

Specifies the number of recent records that WebSphere MQ Monitoring agent keeps in memory for the application or queue accounting data. For more details, see the description of the RECENTACCOUNTINGSAMPLES parameter in SET MANAGER.

This parameter is not valid for z/OS systems.

Specifies how WebSphere MQ Monitoring agent accesses the statistics data that is produced by the queue manager. For more details, see the description of the STATISTICSINFO parameter in SET MANAGER.

This parameter is not valid for z/OS systems.

Specifies the number of recent records that the WebSphere MQ Monitoring agent keeps in memory for queue managers, queues or channel statistics data. For more details, see the description of the RECENTSTATISTICSSAMPLES parameter in SET MANAGER.

This parameter is only applicable to the manual Take Action command.

Specifies that the Tivoli® Enterprise Portal user ID must match one of the user name mask lists, before the Take Action command can be issued. For more details, see the description of the ACTIONAUTHUSERS parameter in SET MANAGER.

This parameter is only applicable to the Take Action commands that are provided with WebSphere MQ Monitoring agent.

Specifies that WebSphere MQ Monitoring agent uses the ACTIONACCOUNT value as an alternate user ID to interact with WebSphere MQ for message manipulation. For more details, see the description of the ACTIONACCOUNT parameter in SET MANAGER.

UIUSER: The agent uses the Tivoli Enterprise Portal user ID to interact with WebSphere MQ.

MQAGENT: The agent uses the monitoring agent account to interact with WebSphere MQ.

USER=user-id: The agent uses the predefined account ("user-id") to interact with WebSphere MQ.

Specifies the level of user access to messages in queues. For more details, see the description of the MSGACCESS parameter in SET MANAGER.
Number of minutes that queue manager objects (such as channels and queues) that are no longer defined in the queue manager are retained in agent memory and returned for display in workspaces, so that it is easier to link to historical data about the object. You can decrease the RETAINHIST value if you want less data to be maintained in memory for these objects that are no longer defined. The default value is 120 (2 hours). This parameter is only valid for channels and local queues.
Specifies the 1- through 48-character name of a model queue to use as a model for the reply-to queue for this product. If this parameter is not specified, the standard system default model is used. For more details, see the description of the RQMODEL parameter in SET MANAGER.


To define a manager group named MYGROUP with new values for aggregation and historical retention, specify the following statement:

