IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Applications, Version

A mapping table for attribute groups and historical workspaces

You can use the mapping table to decide which attribute group to choose when configuring historical data collection for a workspace.

You can use the following mapping table to decide which attribute group to choose when configuring historical data collection for a workspace:

Table 1. A mapping table for attribute groups and historical workspaces
Attribute group name Workspace name Note
Application Accounting Historical Application Accounting workspace distributed systems only
Application Connections Historical Application Connections workspace distributed and z/OS® systems
Application Long-Term History Application Statistics by ApplID workspace z/OS systems only
Application Queue Long-Term History Historical Tran/Pgm Statistics by Queue workspace z/OS systems only
Application Transaction/Program Long-Term History Historical Application Statistics by Tran/Pgm workspace z/OS systems only
Buffer Manager Long-Term History Historical Buffer Pool Performance workspace z/OS systems only
Channel Data Real-time Channel Definitions workspace distributed and z/OS systems
Channel Definitions Channel Definitions workspace distributed and z/OS systems
Channel Initiator Detail Channel Initiator Status workspace z/OS systems only
Channel Long-Term History Historical Channel Performance workspace distributed and z/OS systems
Channel Status Channel Status workspace distributed and z/OS systems
Channel Summary Channel Summary workspace distributed and z/OS systems
Connection Objects Connection Objects workspace distributed and z/OS systems
Current Queue Manager Status Current Queue Manager Status workspace distributed and z/OS systems
Error Log Error Log workspace distributed systems only
Event Archive Event Archive workspace distributed and z/OS systems
Listener Status Listener Status workspace distributed systems only
Log Data Set Status Log Data Set Status workspace distributed and z/OS systems
Log Manager Long-Term History Historical Log Manager Performance workspace z/OS systems only
MQ Action Log MQ Action Log workspace distributed and z/OS systems
MQ Channel Statistics Historical MQ Channel Statistics workspace distributed systems only
MQ Queue Statistics Historical MQ Queue Statistics workspace distributed systems only
MQI Call Statistics Details Historical MQI Call Statistics workspace distributed systems only
MQI Message Statistics Details Historical MQI Message Statistics workspace distributed systems only
MQI Statistics Historical MQI Statistics workspace distributed systems only
Message Manager Long-Term History Historical Message Manager Performance workspace z/OS systems only
Message Statistics Historical Message Statistics workspace distributed and z/OS systems
Page Set Long-Term History Historical Page Set Statistics workspace z/OS systems only
QSG Channels Queue Sharing Group Channel Statistics workspace z/OS systems only
QSG Coupling Facility Structure Backups Queue Sharing Group CF Structure Backup Statistics workspace z/OS systems only
QSG Coupling Facility Structure Connections Queue Sharing Group CF Structure Connection Statistics workspace z/OS systems only
QSG Coupling Facility Structures Queue Sharing Group CF Structure Statistics workspace z/OS systems only
QSG Qmgrs Queue Sharing Group Queue Manager Status workspace z/OS systems only
QSG Queues Queue Sharing Group Queue Statistics workspace z/OS systems only
Queue Accounting Historical Queue Accounting workspace distributed systems only
Queue Data Real-time Queue Data workspace distributed and z/OS systems
Queue Definitions Queue Definitions workspace distributed and z/OS systems
Queue Handle Status Open Queue Handles workspace distributed and z/OS systems
Queue Long Term History Historical Queue Statistics workspace distributed and z/OS systems
Queue Status Queue Status workspace distributed and z/OS systems
Topic Manager Long-Term History Historical Topic Manager Performance workspace z/OS systems only
