JDBC connection properties

The JDBC driver supports the following connection properties. If the same property occurs more than once in the connection string, the last entry takes precedence. Property names are not case sensitive.

Table 1. JDBC connection properties
Property names Description

Alias: ABCN

Support ADABAS column name correlation IDs.

Required: false

Default value: false

Valid values: [true, false]


Alias: APNA

Application name that is sent to the host as part of logon for connection tracking.

Required: false (maximum of 16 characters in length)


Alias: ATHM

Mechanism for encrypting passwords.

Required: false

Default value: DEFAULT

Valid values: [DEFAULT, AES]


Alias: BISAL

A single local name or IP address to bind a socket, or a comma-separated IP address list (used with MapReduce), or AutoDetect to detect NIC IP addresses automatically.

Required: false

Default value: No


Alias: CPFX

Database catalog prefix, SYSPROC for DB2, SQLENG for DVS, SDBMAP for the others.

Required: false

Default value: SYSPROC



Alias: HostNameInCertificate

Host name for certificate validation when SSL encryption and validation is enabled.

Required: false


Alias: CS, CodePage, CP, Encoding, ENC

The database character encoding.

To get a complete list the charsets that are available on a particular JVM, call the Charset.availableCharsets() API, where charsetName is one of the available Java character sets.

The list of available character sets that are returned depends on the specific version and supplier of Java, as well as the availability of the ICU jar files on the classpath.

Names with the 'x-' prefix indicate that a charset is not registered at the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). For more information, see Class Charset and ICU Converter Explorer.

Use the IBM JRE for proper data translation when Charset specifies a Japanese Code page such as; 930, 939, 1390, 1399 or 5026.

IBM JRE 1.8 or 1.7 is recommended when accessing IBM-1390 and IBM-1399 mainframe data, and using or exchanging that data in a Unicode environment.

IBM JRE 1.8 is recommended when accessing IBM-930 and IBM-939 mainframe data, if you do not experience issues using the IBM-conversion-table-based conversion of the following EBCDIC characters:
  • X'4260' (Minus sign)
  • X'444A' (EM Dash)
  • X'43A1' (Wave Dash)
  • X'447C' (Double vertical line)
  • X'426A' (Broken bar)

Required: false

Default value: IBM037

Valid values: For a list of supported character sets, see Character sets.


Alias: TRNA

CICS transaction name.

Required: false

Default value: (maximum of eight characters in length)

CompressionLevel Compression level (ZLib only), -1 (default), 1 (best speed) ... 9 (best compression).

Required: false

Default value: -1

Valid values: [-1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

CompressionThresholdBytes Compression threshold in bytes. The driver compresses data for buffers larger than this size. This value can be post-fixed with a unit like KB (K) or MB (M). For example, the following values are all equal: 1048576, 1024 K, 1024 KB, 1 MB.

Required: false

Default value: 0

CompressionType The type of compression used.

Required: false

Default value: UNCOMPRESSED


ConnectionType Connection wire type.

Required: false

Default value: SOCKET


CountTraceEnter Counts JDBC API calls.

Required: false

Default value: false

Valid values: [true, false]


Alias: DBRM

Database request module.

Required: false

Default value: OPRXSQ (maximum of eight characters in length)


Alias: DBTY

The database type to connect to after connecting to the server.

Required: false

Default value: DRDAorDB2

Valid values:
  • DRDAorDB2 (the data source type is DB2 on a z/OS subsystem or DB2 LUW database)
  • DVS (the data source type is determined by the virtual table map definition, and no value is specified for SUBSYS)
EncodeUserName When set to true, the user name is encoded when establishing the server connection. Support of this feature can be controlled using server parameters USERIDENCODEREQUIRE and USERIDENCODEALLOW.

Required: false

Default value: false

Valid values: [true, false]

EncryptionMethod Encryption method.

Required: false

Default value: NONE



Alias: DP

Filter to use for getTables() DB2 metadata schema.

Required: false

HexDumpBytesPerLine Bytes per line in the hexadecimal dump.

Required: false

Default value: 16

HexDumpBytesPerWord Bytes per word in the hexadecimal dump.

Required: false

Default value: 4

Host Host name or IP address.

Required: true


Alias: INI

Loads properties from this INI file (overrides IniFileEnvVar).

Required: false.


Alias: INICS

The INI file Charset.

Required: false

Default value: UTF-8.


Alias: DSN

Loads properties from a section name to an INI file.

Required: false.


Alias: INIEV

Loads properties from the INI file to this environment variable.

Required: false.

Default value: DV_INI


Alias: SEDG

Initial current degree (DB2).

Required: false

Valid values: [ANY, 1]



Initial current package set (DB2).

Required: false


Alias: SERL

Initial current rules (DB2).

Required: false

Valid values: [DB2, STD]

InitializationString Initialization string, use ';' to separate statements, wrap the string in '(' and ')' when used in a connection string.

Required: false


Alias: KP

The SSL key password.

Required: false


Alias: KS

The SSL keystore.

Required: false


Alias: KSP

The SSL keystore password.

Required: false


Alias: WRPR

This flag controls the behavior of SQLPrepare for non-DB2 data sources such as ADABAS, VSAM, IMSDB, and VSAM CICS. When this keyword is set to true (which is the default), a request is always sent to the host at SQLPrepare time to obtain metadata for the SQL statement. For applications that access non-DB2 data sources and do NOT require metadata after the SQLPrepare, it is recommended to set WRPR to false for better performance since this will eliminate a network roundtrip whenever a SQLPrepare is executed.

Required: false

Default value: true

Valid values: [true, false]


Alias: LanguageID

This setting is for backward compatibility. It is recommended to use Charset instead.

Each language code corresponds to a charset used for byte conversion. If a key has no value, the driver will use the default. The mappings are as follows:

{ARB=IBM420, CHS=, CHT=, DAN=IBM01142, DEU=IBM01141, DFT=IBM037, ENC=IBM1047, ENG=IBM285, ENU=IBM037, ESN=IBM01145, ESP=IBM284, FIN=IBM01143, FRA=IBM01147, FRC=IBM037, ISL=IBM01149, ITA=IBM01144, JNL=IBM1390, JNX=IBM1399, JPL=IBM5026, JPX=IBM5035, KOR=IBM037, KRN=x-IBM833, MDI=, NGN=IBM01142, NLD=IBM037, NOR=IBM01142, PPS=, PTG=IBM037, SVE=IBM278, SWE=IBM01143, TUR=IBM1026}

Required: false

Default value: ENU




Sets the Log4j 2 configuration file.

Required: false


Alias: LTS

Logs the state of a thread.

Required: false

Default value: false

Valid values: [true, false]

LogThreadsStatePeriodMillis Logs the state period for a thread in milliseconds.

Required: false

Default value: 1000

LoginTimeoutMillis Login timeout in milliseconds (0 = system default if there is one, or no limit.)

Required: false

Default value: 0



Login timeout in seconds.

Required: false

Default value: 0


Alias: MRC, MapReduce

Use MapReduceClient (MRC) to read query results in parallel from different connections. When enabled, the driver creates one master connection and N worker connections (instances of JDBC connections).

Required: false

Default value: false

Valid values: [true, false, list]

To distribute MapReduce on a single server, select from the following methods:
  • Set MapReduceClient to true (MRC=true). The MapReduceConnectionCount defaults to the number of CPU cores discovered (for example: MRCC=10)
  • Set MRC=(host, port, taskCount)

To distribute MapReduceClient over multiple servers, set MapReduceClient: MCR=(host1, port1, taskCount1), (host2, port2, taskCount2),...

If you are using MapReduceClient with RDBMS or IMS, you must complete the metadata repository configuration requirements. See "MapReduce" in the Administrator's Guide.


Alias: MRCC

The single-connection MapReduceClientCount. This value is only set for use with MRCN. The MRCC default setting is 0.

Required: false

Default value: 0


Alias: MRCN

To enable highly-parallel client applications to control concurrent MapReduce connections, from which queries are executed as a single thread, set the MapReduceClientCount (MRCN) value for each MapReduceClientCount (MRCC).

The following example shows a connection string used to connect to the first of four available connections:


To disable this feature, set MapReduceClientCount to 0 (MRCC=0) and set MapReduceClient to false (MRC=false).



This value specifies the initial capacity of the result row pre-fetch cache for a given buffer that is used after the MapReduce or Parallel IO read queue exceeds the value set for MapReduceFillValueThreshold.

Required: false

Default value: 20,000 (rows per buffer)


Alias: MRFVT

When using Parallel IO or MapReduce, this value specifies the number of buffers on the parallel IO thread that must be exceeded before pre-filling the column values (converting mainframe row bytes to Java object representations).

Required: false

Default value: -1 (off).


Alias: MRPTO

The MapReduce and Parallel IO inter-thread poll timeout, in milliseconds.

Required: false

Default value: 50


Alias: MRQS

Gathers statistics for MapReduce result sets.

Required: false

Default value: false

Valid values: [true, false]


Alias: MXBU

Maximum server-side communication buffer size in bytes. This value can be post-fixed with a unit like KB (K) or MB (M). For example, the following values are all equal: 1048576, 1024 K, 1024 KB, 1 MB. The minimum value is 40960.

Required: false

Default value: 262144


Aliases: MFS, MaxFieldSize

Maximum field size to return.

Required: false

Default value: 2147483647


Alias: MR

Maximum number of rows to return.

Required: false

Default value: 0


Alias: MDCS

The database metadata character encoding. Available encodings depends on the runtime. See the Charset property.

Required: false

Default value: IBM037


Alias: NTOM

Network timeout in milliseconds.

Required: false

Default value: 0



Network timeout in seconds.

Required: false

Default value: 0


Alias: PIOBC

When the value of the Parallel IO buffer count is > 0 (where the buffer size = MXBU), a background thread reads the rows from the server as the main thread consumes them. This memory is re-usable.

For example, if MXBU is set to 4 MB and PIOBC is set to 10, the driver uses 40 MB of memory as the read-ahead buffer (10 x 4 MB buffers).

Required: false. Default value: 0.


Alias: PWD, PassPhrase

Password or password phrase.

Required: false


Alias: UCLC

Converts passwords to uppercase. This property is ignored when a password phrase has been specified.

Required: false

Default value: true

Valid values: [true, false]

Plan The DB2 plan name used for a DB2 connection. This is used when the subsystem is set to a valid DB2 subsystem name.

Required: false

Default value: SDBC1010 (maximum of eight characters in length)

Port Server port.

Required: false

Default value: 1200

PrepareMetadataSQL Determines how the SQL statement metadata calls are handled.

Required: false

Default value: true

Valid values: [true, false]

If set to true, the driver prepares the SQL statements for metadata calls.

If set to false, the driver builds and executes the SQL statements for metadata calls dynamically, which can be susceptible to SQL injection attacks.


Alias: QTOM

Query timeout in milliseconds.

Required: false

Default value: 0



Query timeout in seconds.

Required: false

Default value: 0


Alias: RO

Appends FOR FETCH ONLY to JDBC read-only SQL query statements.

Required: false

Default value: true

Valid values: [true, false]

ServerCertificateStrategy Server certificate strategy.

Required: false

Default value: Validate

Valid values: [Validate, AcceptSelfSigned, Trust]


Alias: SKA

Socket keep alive.

Required: false

Default value: false

Valid values: [true, false]


Alias: SRBS

Socket receive buffer size hint in bytes. This value can be post-fixed with a unit like KB (K) or MB (M). For example, the following values are all equal: 1048576, 1024 K, 1024 KB, 1 MB.

Required: false

Default value: 0


Alias: SSBS

Socket send buffer size hint in bytes. This value can be post-fixed with a unit like KB (K) or MB (M). For example, the following values are all equal: 1048576, 1024 K, 1024 KB, 1 MB.

Required: false

Default value: 0



Socket TCP NoDelay.

Required: false

Default value: false

Valid values: [true, false]


Alias: ALUS

SQL authorization ID.

Required: false



SSL context protocol.

Required: false

Default value: TLS

StrictJdbcCompliance Indicates whether the driver complies strictly with the JDBC spec.

Required: false

Default value: false

Valid values: [true, false]



The database subsystem name.

If the data source is DB2 (DatabaseType=DRDAorDB2), enter the DB2 subsystem name as it exists on the mainframe.

If the data source is a non-DB2 database (where TYPE must be Member, Group, or LUW), enter the name as it exists in the NAME field of the DEFINE entry in the server configuration member, AZKSIN00.

If the data source is DVS, the subsystem name should be set to NONE.

Required: false

Default value: NONE

Valid values: 1 - 4 alphanumeric characters

ThrowUnsupportedAll [Development tool] Throws an exception when an API is not supported.

Required: false

Default value: true

Valid values: [true, false]

TraceBrowseAppender To collect JDBC driver server trace log information, add the name of the collection appender to the log4j configuration file.
The following example shows the collection name tag:
    ... other appenders here ...
    <Collection name="TB">
        <Pattern>%d %-5level [%t][%logger]
    <Root level="...">
     ... other appenders here ...
      <AppenderRef ref="TB" />
Where the name of the collection appender (TB in this example) is the name you choose.

Add the TraceBrowseAppender setting to the JDBC connect string to provide the collection appender name in the log4j2.xml config file to the server. For example, TraceBrowseAppender=TB.

The server parameter TRACE EXTERNAL TRACE DATA (TRACEEXTERNTRACEDATA) must also be enabled.

Required: false


Alias: TRLT

Truncate CALL string.

Required: false

Default value: true

Valid values: [true, false]

TrustStore The SSL trust store.

Required: false

TrustStorePassword The SSL trust store password.

Required: false


This field controls if all character data sent to the host should be converted to upper case or not. If this field is set to true, then all character data will be converted to upper case. If this field is set to false, then character data will not be converted to upper case.

Required: false

Default value: false

Valid values: [true, false]


This flag controls if all non-literal values in SQL statements passed to the driver should be converted to upper case or not. If this flag is set to true, then strings not in single or double quotes will be converted to upper case.

Required: false

Default value: true

Valid values: [true, false]

URL Use to specify connection properties.

Required: false


Alias: UID

The user name or identifier.

Alias: UserParm

Sent in the logon information to complete logon to a host security system and/or database. Maximum of 100 characters in length.
ValidateServerCertificate Validate server certificate or not.

Required: false

Default value: true

Valid values: [true, false]

VpdGroupMemberCount Virtual Parallel Data group member count.

Required: false

Default value: 0-255

VpdGroupName Virtual Parallel Data group name. Maximum of eight characters in length.

Required: false

Default value:

VpdGroupOpenTimeoutSeconds Virtual Parallel Data group open timeout in seconds.

Required: false

Default value: 0

VpdIoThreadCount Virtual Parallel Data I/O thread count.

Required: false

Default value: 0-255


Alias: XAEN

Set to true to enable XA transactions.

Required: false

Default value: false

Valid values: [true, false]


Alias: XAOP

The type of transaction manager used for XA operations.

Required: false

Valid value: JTS

Character sets

The list of available character sets that are returned depends on the specific version and supplier of Java, as well as the availability of the ICU jar files on the classpath.

The following Charsets (CS) are supported:



Big5, Big5-HKSCS, BOCU-1,

CESU-8, cp1363, cp851,


GB18030, GB2312, GB_2312-80, GBK,

hp-roman8, HZ-GB-2312,

IBM-Thai, IBM00858, IBM01140, IBM01141, IBM01142, IBM01143, IBM01144, IBM01145, IBM01146, IBM01147, IBM01148, IBM01149, IBM037, IBM1026, IBM1047, IBM273, IBM277, IBM278, IBM280, IBM284, IBM285, IBM290, IBM297, IBM420, IBM424, IBM437, IBM500, IBM775, IBM850, IBM852, IBM855, IBM857, IBM860, IBM861, IBM862, IBM863, IBM864, IBM865, IBM866, IBM868, IBM869, IBM870, IBM871, IBM918, ISO-2022-CN, ISO-2022-CN-EXT, ISO-2022-JP, ISO-2022-JP-1, ISO-2022-JP-2, ISO-2022-KR, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-10, ISO-8859-13, ISO-8859-14, ISO-8859-15, ISO-8859-2, ISO-8859-3, ISO-8859-4, ISO-8859-5, ISO-8859-6, ISO-8859-7, ISO-8859-8, ISO-8859-9,

JIS_X0201, JIS_X0212-1990,

KOI8-R, KOI8-U, KSC_5601,


SCSU, Shift_JIS,


US-ASCII, UTF-16, UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE, UTF-32, UTF-32BE, UTF-32LE, UTF-7, UTF-8,

windows-1250, windows-1251, windows-1252, windows-1253, windows-1254, windows-1255, windows-1256, windows-1257, windows-1258, windows-31j,

x-Big5-HKSCS-2001, x-Big5-Solaris, x-compound-text, x-ebcdic-xml-us, x-euc-jp-linux, x-EUC-TW, x-euc-tw-2014, x-eucJP-Open, x-ibm-1047-s390, x-ibm-1125_P100-1997, x-ibm-1129_P100-1997, x-ibm-1130_P100-1997, x-ibm-1131_P100-1997, x-ibm-1132_P100-1998, x-ibm-1133_P100-1997, x-ibm-1137_P100-1999, x-ibm-1140-s390, x-ibm-1141-s390, x-ibm-1142-s390, x-ibm-1143-s390, x-ibm-1144-s390, x-ibm-1145-s390, x-ibm-1146-s390, x-ibm-1147-s390, x-ibm-1148-s390, x-ibm-1149-s390, x-ibm-1153-s390, x-ibm-1154_P100-1999, x-ibm-1155_P100-1999, x-ibm-1156_P100-1999, x-ibm-1157_P100-1999, x-ibm-1158_P100-1999, x-ibm-1160_P100-1999, x-ibm-1162_P100-1999, x-ibm-1164_P100-1999, x-ibm-1250_P100-1995, x-ibm-1251_P100-1995, x-ibm-1252_P100-2000, x-ibm-1253_P100-1995, x-ibm-1254_P100-1995, x-ibm-1255_P100-1995, x-ibm-1256_P110-1997, x-ibm-1257_P100-1995, x-ibm-1258_P100-1997, x-ibm-12712-s390, x-ibm-12712_P100-1998, x-ibm-1373_P100-2002, x-ibm-1386_P100-2001, x-ibm-16684_P110-2003, x-ibm-16804-s390, x-ibm-16804_X110-1999, x-ibm-25546, x-ibm-33722_P12A_P12A-2009_U2, x-ibm-37-s390, x-ibm-4517_P100-2005, x-ibm-4899_P100-1998, x-ibm-4909_P100-1999, x-ibm-4971_P100-1999, x-ibm-5123_P100-1999, x-ibm-5351_P100-1998, x-ibm-5352_P100-1998, x-ibm-5353_P100-1998, x-ibm-803_P100-1999, x-ibm-813_P100-1995, x-ibm-8482_P100-1999, x-ibm-901_P100-1999, x-ibm-902_P100-1999, x-ibm-9067_X100-2005, x-ibm-916_P100-1995, x-IBM1006, x-IBM1025, x-IBM1046, x-IBM1097, x-IBM1098, x-IBM1112, x-IBM1122, x-IBM1123, x-IBM1124, x-IBM1153, x-IBM1363, x-IBM1364, x-IBM1371, x-IBM1381, x-IBM1383, x-IBM1388, x-IBM1390, x-IBM1399, x-IBM300, x-IBM33722, x-IBM720, x-IBM737, x-IBM833, x-IBM834, x-IBM856, x-IBM867, x-IBM874, x-IBM875, x-IBM921, x-IBM922, x-IBM930, x-IBM933, x-IBM935, x-IBM937, x-IBM939, x-IBM942, x-IBM942C, x-IBM943, x-IBM943C, x-IBM948, x-IBM949, x-IBM949C, x-IBM950, x-IBM954, x-IBM964, x-IBM970, x-IBM971, x-IMAP-mailbox-name, x-iscii-be, x-iscii-gu, x-iscii-ka, x-iscii-ma, x-iscii-or, x-iscii-pa, x-iscii-ta, x-iscii-te, x-ISCII91, x-ISO-2022-CN-CNS, x-ISO-2022-CN-GB, x-iso-8859-11, x-JIS0208, x-JIS7, x-JIS8, x-JISAutoDetect, x-Johab, x-LMBCS-1, x-mac-centraleurroman, x-mac-cyrillic, x-mac-greek, x-mac-turkish, x-MacArabic, x-MacCentralEurope, x-MacCroatian, x-MacCyrillic, x-MacDingbat, x-MacGreek, x-MacHebrew, x-MacIceland, x-MacRoman, x-MacRomania, x-MacSymbol, x-MacThai, x-MacTurkish, x-MacUkraine, x-MS932_0213, x-MS950-HKSCS, x-MS950-HKSCS-XP, x-mswin-936, x-PCK, x-SJIS_0213, x-UnicodeBig, x-UTF-16LE-BOM, X-UTF-32BE-BOM, X-UTF-32LE-BOM, x-UTF16_OppositeEndian, x-UTF16_PlatformEndian, x-UTF32_OppositeEndian, x-UTF32_PlatformEndian, x-windows-50220, x-windows-50221, x-windows-874, x-windows-949, x-windows-950, x-windows-iso2022jp]