IBM Security zSecure, Version 2.2.1

Example zSecure audit reports

Using zSecure Audit, it is possible to generate reports about the RACF® commands that are entered before and after the zSecure™ Command Verifier policy routines have evaluated and possibly modified the RACF commands.

You might generate such a report from the zSecure Audit interactive interface. Select EV.R, specify resource class XFACILIT and resource C4R.**. The following screen is an example of the input you can use.

Figure 1. Input for generating a zSecure Command Verifier audit report
    Menu         Options       Info    Commands     Setup                        
                  zSecure Suite - Events - Resource Selection                   
 Command ===> __________________________________________________   _ start panel
 Show records that fit all of the following criteria:                           
 Resource  . . . . . C4R.**__________________________________________           
 Class . . . . . . . XFACILIT     (class or EGN mask)                           
 Profile/rule/permit ___________________________________________________        
 System  . . . . . . ____         (system name or EGN mask)                     
 Advanced selection criteria                                                    
 _  Date and time         _  Further resource selection                         
 Output/run options                                                             
 /  Include detail          _  Summarize               _  Specify scope         
 _  Output in print format     Customize title            Send as e-mail        
      Run in background        Sort differently                                                                                                          

It is also possible to create a zSecure Audit custom report for zSecure Command Verifier. The following example, which is also present in member C4RCNA00 in SC4RSMP, can be used as a custom display when you use zSecure Audit version 2.2.1. Most of the commands are related to the information displayed on the reports. The following line is the selection criteria for the RACF commands before zSecure Command Verifier policy processing.


The following line is the selection criteria for the RACF commands after zSecure Command Verifier policy processing.


The remaining zSecure Audit statements provide detailed information for the layout of the report. An example is the definition of a variable as a substring of the XFACILIT profile. This substring is the RACF command that is being issued by the terminal-user. The example shown results in a combined report of all RACF commands before and after zSecure Command Verifier policy processing. If you remove the MERGELIST/ENDMERGE statements, you obtain three separate reports.

An example of the output from the combined report is shown. The terminal-user was not authorized to specify the OPERATIONS keyword. It is removed from the RACF command during policy profile processing.

Figure 2. zSecure Audit report: RACF commands before and after zSecure Command Verifier policy processing
1S M F   R E C O R D   L I S T I N G    3May07 01:45 to 13May07 22:36
 RACF Commands processed by Command Verifier
 Date      Time               Resource
 08Dec2001 23:49 Before PIER   ALTUSER
 System ID                     SYS1 Fri 11 May 2007 23:49
 RACF userid/ACF2 logonid      BCSCGB2
 User name                     GUUS SECONDARY ID
 SAF profile key               C4R.PREAUD.*
 SAF resource name             C4R.PREAUD.ALTUSER
 RACF Command                  ALTUSER  BCSCGB3 OPER
 08Dec2001 23:49 After  PIER   ALTUSER
 System ID                     SYS1 Fri 11 May 2007 23:49
 RACF userid/ACF2 logonid      BCSCGB2
 User name                     GUUS SECONDARY ID
 SAF profile key               C4R.PSTAUD.*
 SAF resource name             C4R.PSTAUD.ALTUSER
 RACF Command                  ALTUSER  BCSCGB3
