Setting user options

Primary menu option 0 Settings customizes the CICSĀ® Configuration Manager ISPF dialog for each user. These settings are stored in each user's ISPF profile:

Display limit
Specifies the maximum number of resource definitions to be retrieved for display on a list panel per CICS configuration, per request. Use this setting to control:
  • Response times. Retrieving large numbers of resource definitions can take a long time.
  • TSO region size required to process requests for large volumes of data.

If the number of resource definitions matching the request filter and search criteria exceeds this limit, then the list panel displays a message but no results. (Resource definitions are retrieved in group order, whereas the default sort order for these list panels is by resource definition name. Displaying partial results in the sort order specified by the list panel could hide gaps in the data, and give the user the false impression that the results are complete.)

Customize the behavior of the ISPF dialog. You can also set these options from the Settings action bar choice.
Save confirmation
Determines whether the ISPF dialog prompts you to save your changes when you attempt to exit a panel with unsaved changes. For example, you make changes to a panel, and then you press the Exit key (F3).
Display a prompt, and do not exit.

To save your changes and then exit:

  1. Type SAVE on the command line and then press Enter.
  2. Press the Exit key (F3).
Save and exit without prompting.
Cancel confirmation
Determines whether the ISPF dialog prompts you to cancel your changes when you attempt to exit a panel with unsaved changes.
Display a prompt, and do not exit.

To exit the panel without saving your changes, type CANCEL on the command line and then press Enter.

Discard changes and exit without prompting.
Uppercase translation
Determines whether the ISPF dialog automatically translates some mixed-case resource definition attributes to uppercase. For a list of the limited set of attributes to which this option applies, see Uppercase translation of resource definition attributes.

Uppercase translation occurs only when you edit the attribute data. If the attribute is unchanged, the data retains its original case even if uppercase translation is set on.

Automatically uppercase some attributes when they are changed.
Do not automatically uppercase attributes.
CICS Configuration Manager server
Defines the connection between the ISPF dialog and the CICS Configuration Manager server.
IP address and Port number
The IP address and port number that the ISPF dialog uses to connect to the CICS Configuration Manager server.
SSL (secure sockets layer)
If the port number uses SSL, then set SSL to "enabled".
If you enable SSL, then you must specify either a keyring name or a key database, depending on the release of CICS Transaction Server used by the CICS Configuration Manager server:
  • For CICS Transaction Server V2.1 or later, specify a keyring name
  • For CICS Transaction Server V1.3, specify a key database

When you use the ISPF dialog to submit a batch job, the ISPF dialog generates JCL that calls the CICS Configuration Manager batch interface. This JCL includes the job statement information and batch job stepped libraries that you specify here. For more information on the batch interface, see Overview of the batch interface.

Job statement information
The ISPF dialog precedes the JCL that it generates with up to four lines of JCL that you specify here. The first line should contain a JOB statement. If you leave any of the other lines entirely blank, they are omitted from the job JCL. No validation is performed for any of these JCL statements.
Batch job stepped library
On separate STEPLIB lines, enter the fully-qualified data set names (without enclosing quotes) of the library that contains the national language support load modules, and the library that contains the batch command program CCVBMAIN:
ccvhlq.Start of changeSCCVLINKEnd of change
where lang is one of the following 3-character national language codes:
U.S. English

If you connect to the CICS Configuration Manager server via an authenticated port, Start of changeyou must also enable PassTicket processingEnd of change. For details, see Optional: Enable PassTicket processing.

If omitted, batch jobs submitted by CICS Configuration Manager will not include a STEPLIB ddname.