Installing Cloud Automation Manager offline on OpenShift

Steps to install Cloud Automation Manager offline on OpenShift. In the offline installation of Cloud Automation Manager, the OpenShift environment does not require any access to the internet. Cloud Automation Manager runs on the OpenShift Kubernetes platform, even though it still leverages some common services of IBM Multicloud Manager, which is installed on top of OpenShift.

Before you begin


  1. Download the Cloud Automation Manager.

    • Download the following packages and transfer to your master node using your product ID from IBM Passport Advantage External link icon:

      • For Cloud Automation Manager version

        • x86 - icp-cam-x86_64-4.1.tar.gz
        • ppc64le - icp-cam-ppc-4.1.tar.gz
      • For Cloud Automation Manager version

        • x86 - icp-cam-x86_64-
        • ppc64le - icp-cam-ppc-
        Cloud Automation Manager Version Version number (version_number) TGZ File name (cam_tgz_filename) 4.1 ibm-cam-4.1.0.tgz ibm-cam-4.1.1.tgz
  2. SSH login to the infra node and configure the kubectl and Helm CLI commands as follows:

  3. Run the following commands to load the Cloud Automation Manager offline PPA image into OpenShift docker registry:

    • For Openshift 3.11:

        oc login -u <openshift console admin user> -p <openshfit console admin password>      
        cloudctl login -a <ibm_cloud_pak_mcm_console url> --skip-ssl-validation -u <ibm_cloud_pak_mcm_admin_ID> -p <ibm_cloud_pak_mcm_admin_password> -n services       
        docker login docker-registry.default.svc:5000 -u <openshfit admin user>  -p `oc whoami -t`      
        cloudctl catalog load-archive --archive icp-cam-[x86-64 | ppc]-<version_number>.tar.gz --registry docker-registry.default.svc:5000/services
    • For OpenShit 4.2:

      Copy the login command from OpenShift Console and paste it to the Infra node that can access the OpenShift Console.

       HOST=$(oc get route default-route -n openshift-image-registry --template='{{ }}')
       cloudctl login -a <ibm_cloud_pak_mcm_Console_Url> --skip-ssl-validation -u <ibm_cloud_pak_mcm_admin_ID> -p <ibm_cloud_pak_mcm_password> -n services
       docker login -u <oc admin> -p $(oc whoami -t) $HOST
       cloudctl catalog load-archive --archive icp-cam-[x86-64 | ppc]-<version_number>.tar.gz --registry $HOST/services
  4. Install Cloud Automation Manager either from the IBM Cloud Pak for Multicloud Management user interface or from the command line:

    • To install Cloud Automation Manager from UI, follow the steps from Installing from UI.
    • To install Cloud Automation Manager using the command line, do the following steps:

      1. SSH login to the IBM Multicloud Manager master node and configure the kubectl and helm CLI commands as follows:

        cloudctl login -a <ibm_cloud_pak_mcm_console_url> --skip-ssl-validation -u <ibm_cloud_pak_mcm_admin_ID> -p <ibm_cloud_pak_mcm_admin_password> -n services
        • For OpenShift 3.11, run the following command:

          docker login docker-registry.default.svc:5000 -u <openshfit admin user>  -p 'oc whoami -t'
        • For OpenShift 4.2, run the following command:

          HOST=$(oc get route default-route -n openshift-image-registry --template='{{ }}')
          docker login -u <oc admin> -p $(oc whoami -t) $HOST
      2. Run the following command to download the Cloud Automation Manager chart from IBM Multicloud Manager:

         wget <ibm_cloud_pak_mcm_console_url>/helm-repo/requiredAssets/<cam_tgz_filename> --no-check-certificate
      1. Install Cloud Automation Manager by using the helm commands

        • For OpenShift 3.11:

          helm install <cam_tgz_filename> --name cam --namespace <selected namespace> --set icp.port=443 --set global.iam.deployApiKey=[Api key for service-deploy]  --set global.enableFIPS=false --tls
        • For OpenShift 4.2:

          helm install <cam_tgz_filename> --name cam --namespace <selected namespace> --set icp.port=443 --set global.iam.deployApiKey=[Api key for service-deploy]  --set global.enableFIPS=false --set image.repository=image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/services/ --tls


        • The global.enableFIPS is required only if you want to be FIPS compliant.

        • Use --set secureValues.secretName=cam-secure-values-secret only if you want to override the default secrets. For more information about the command line to create secrets and override them, see Before you begin section.
        • The global.iam.deployApiKey is used to generate Cloud Automation Manager specific Service ID and API Key. The Cloud Automation Manager API Key is used to interact with the platform authorization.
        • The global.offline skips the import of library starter templates from public github.
        • The icp.port is used to specify the IBM Multicloud Manager console port.
        • If you are using GlusterFS for persistent volumes, then specify additional chart install parameters: Creating Cloud Automation Manager persistent volumes using GlusterFS.
        • For additional installation parameter options, see Installation parameters.

          Tip - To simplify specifying multiple --set parameters on the command line, you can create a yaml file to define multiple parameters and pass it in the command line. For more about helm installation, see Helm install command documentation External link icon.

        1. Optionally, monitor the Cloud Automation Manager installation and pod deployment by running the following kubectl command:
        kubectl get -n <namespace> pods
        1. If you are planning to use IBM Business Process Manager, IBM Cloud Orchestrator, Ansible provider or Broker then do the following steps:

          1. Increase the replica count to 1 for Business Process Manager service in values.yml. By default, the replica count for these services is set to 0.
            replicaCount: 1
            replicaCount: 1
            replicaCount: 1
            replicaCount: 1
            storeNamespace: helm-consume-test

          Note: If you increase the replica count from 0, then the ACTIVATE_BPM in cam-iaas is set to true automatically.

          1. Add the following environment variables in env section of cam-provider-bpm:

              name: BPM_ENDPOINT
              name: BPM_USERNAME
                value: admin
              name: BPM_PASSWORD
                value: passw0rd


            • The supported version of IBM Business Process Manager is 8.5.7 and
            • The supported version of IBM Cloud Orchestrator is

What to do next