Aggregate data types

In addition to the base data types, aggregates of the base data types may be used as well.

The first aggregate data type is similar to a structure in C in that it can contain multiple fields of different data types. This aggregate data type is referred to as structured data (SD). The individual fields in the structured data are referred to as structured data elements or elements. Each element of a structured data type may have a different data type which can be one of the base types described in Supported base data types or any of the array types discussed in the next paragraph, except for the structured data array.

The second aggregate data type is an array. An array contains zero or more values of the same data type, such as an array of CT_INT32 values. Each of the array types has an associated enumeration value (CT_INT32_ARRAY, CT_UINT32_ARRAY). Structured data may also be defined as an array but is restricted to have the same elements in every entry of the array.