How RMC and the resource managers enable you to manage resources

RMC provides resource class abstractions for representing physical or logical system entities, while the individual resource managers map actual entities to these abstractions.

Since the various resource managers all define resources according to the same abstractions defined by RMC, RMC is able to manage the resources generically. RMC provides a set of commands that enable you to list information about and manipulate resources, regardless of which resource manager defines the particular resource class.

Often these general RMC commands are not needed. For example, a mkrsrc command exists, enabling you to define a new resource of a particular class. However, the resource managers often automatically harvest this information to create the resources, or certain resource manager commands explicitly or implicitly create the resource. For example, the event response resource manager provides the mkcondition command to create a condition for resource monitoring. The mkcondition command creates a Condition resource; there is no need to use the generic mkrsrc command.

The RMC commands you will use most commonly are the lsrsrc and lsrsrcdef commands which display resource or resource class information you may need when issuing other commands. The lsrsrc command lists the persistent and/or dynamic attributes of resources, and the lsrsrcdef lists a resource class definition. For more information on the lsrsrc and lsrsrcdef commands, see Listing resource information.