(A1xx) Reference codes
An A1xx system reference (attention) code is an attention code posted by the service processor. An A1xx SRC offers information about a platform or service processor dump, confirms a control panel function request, or indicates an issue with a service processor wake-on-LAN setting. The A1xx table uses the following format:
- The reference code contains numbers that identify a particular action your server performs during initialization of firmware.
- The description offers a brief description about this SRC. It may also contain instructions for continuing the problem analysis.
- The FRU List offers a link to instructions or service actions for recovering from a hang on an attention code. Click the FRU List only when you experience a hang condition on an attention code. For example, a hang condition occurs when your server performs a requested action but the SRC in the control panel display does not change for several minutes and the service processor appears to be hung.