This error might be caused by a workstation that is connected to the port.

  1. Complete the following steps:
    1. Turn off the power for one workstation on the port
    2. Check if the other workstations operate correctly.
    3. Repeat this for each workstation on the port.
    4. The workstation that causes the problem is the one that is turned off when the others are working correctly.
    5. If you did not find the problem, continue with the next step.
  2. Complete the following steps:
    1. Turn off the power for all workstations on the port.
    2. Turn on one workstation to check if it works when all other workstations are turned off.
    3. Repeat this for each workstation on the port. The workstation that causes the problem is the one that works when all other workstations are turned off.

This ends the procedure.

Last updated: Tue, April 21, 2020