This is the VPD (vital product data) for a PCI bus.

  1. Are you working from the serviceable event view and a card location is listed with this failing item?
    • Yes: Then the error is at that card location. Continue with the next step.
    • No: Complete the following steps:
      1. Record the bus number value (BBBB) from word 7 of the reference code (see Analyzing a PCI bus reference code for help in determining the bus number).
      2. Search for the bus number in the resource and configuration interfaces of the management console or operating system, or in the system configuration listing, to determine which unit contains the failing item. Record the frame or unit type and then continue with the next step.
  2. Use the following table to determine the appropriate service action.
    Frame or unit that contains the failing item Go to this symbolic FRU
    System units SYSBKPL
    Expansion units BACKPLN

Last updated: Tue, April 21, 2020