HMC Manual Reference Pages  - UPDLIC (1)


updlic - update Licensed Internal Code (LIC)


See Also


To retrieve, install, and activate LIC updates:
updlic -o a {-m managed-system | -e managed-frame [--allsystems] |
[-t {sys | power | syspower | io | all}]
-r {ibmwebsite | ftp | dvd | disk | mountpoint | usb}
-l {latest | latestconcurrent | sss | ccc,ppp |
[-h host-name] [-u user-ID]
[--passwd password] [-d directory]
[--allowpoweroff] [-q] [-v]

To retrieve and install, but not activate LIC updates:
updlic -o i {-m managed-system | -e managed-frame [--allsystems] |
[-t {sys | power | syspower | io | all}]
-r {ibmwebsite | ftp | dvd | disk | mountpoint | usb}
-l {latest | latestconcurrent | sss | ccc,ppp |
[-h host-name] [-u user-ID]
[--passwd password] [-d directory] [-q] [-v]
To remove the most recently installed LIC updates and activate the previously accepted level:
updlic -o r {-m managed-system | -e managed-frame [--allsystems] |
[-t {sys | power | syspower}]
[--allowpoweroff] [-q] [-v]
To change a managed system’s LIC update control to Management Console:
updlic -o h -m managed-system [-v]

To change a managed system’s LIC update control to Operating System:
updlic -o o -m managed-system [-v]
To disruptively activate LIC updates:
updlic -o d {-m managed-system | -e managed-frame [--allsystems] |
[-t {sys | power | syspower}]
[--allowpoweroff] [-q] [-v]

To accept currently activated LIC updates:
updlic -o c {-m managed-system | -e managed-frame [--allsystems] |
[-t {sys | power | syspower}] [-v]

To reject installed LIC updates:
updlic -o j {-m managed-system | -e managed-frame [--allsystems] |
[-t {sys | power | syspower}] [-v]

To upgrade Licensed Internal Code to a new release:
updlic -o u {-m managed-system | -e managed-frame [--allsystems] |
[-t {sys | power | syspower}]
-r {ibmwebsite | ftp | dvd | disk | mountpoint | usb}
[-l {latest | release1_level1,release2_level2,...}]
[-h host-name] [-u user-ID]
[--passwd password] [-d directory]
[--allowpoweroff] [-q] [-v]

To check system readiness:
updlic -o k {-m managed-system | -e managed-frame [--allsystems] |

To synchronize LIC:
updlic -o s {-m managed-system | -e managed-frame [--allsystems] |
[-t {sys | power | syspower}] [-v]
To reboot the secondary service processor:
updlic -o b -m managed-system [-v]
To perform hypervisor and partition firmware activation:
updlic -o v -m managed-system [-v]


updlic updates Licensed Internal Code (LIC) on the managed-system, managed-frame, or on all managed frames which contain High Performance Switches.


-o The operation to perform. Valid values are a, i, r, h, o, d, c, j, u, k, s, b and v.

Use the a operation to retrieve, install, and activate LIC updates. Previously activated updates will be automatically accepted.

Use the i operation to retrieve and install, but not activate, LIC updates.

Use the r operation to remove the most recently installed LIC updates and activate the previously accepted level.

Use the h operation to change LIC update control to Management Console. This option is only valid for a managed system.

Use the o operation to change LIC update control to Operating System. This option is only valid for a managed system.

Use the d operation to disruptively activate LIC updates.

Use the c operation to accept currently activated LIC updates (copy T to P).

Use the j operation to reject installed LIC updates (copy P to T).

Use the u operation to upgrade Licensed Internal Code to a new release.

Use the k operation to check system readiness for LIC operations.

Use the s operation to synchronize LIC on redundant components. LIC will be synchronized from the primary Service Processor to the secondary Service Processor, and from the Side-A Bulk Power Controller to the Side-B Bulk Power Controller.

Use the b operation to reboot the secondary service processor. This option is only valid for a managed system.

Use the v operation to perform hypervisor and partition firmware activation. Managed System LIC is not activated by this option. This option is only valid for a managed system.

-m The name of the managed system on which to update LIC. The name may either be the user-defined name for the managed system, or be in the form tttt-mmm*ssssssss, where tttt is the machine type, mmm is the model, and ssssssss is the serial number of the managed system. The tttt-mmm*ssssssss form must be used if there are multiple managed systems with the same user-defined name.
-e The name of the managed frame on which to update LIC. The name may either be the user-defined name for the managed frame, or be in the form tttt-mmm*ssssssss, where tttt is the machine type, mmm is the model, and ssssssss is the serial number of the managed frame. The tttt-mmm*ssssssss form must be used if there are multiple managed frames with the same user-defined name.
-w Update LIC on all managed frames which contain High Performance Switches.
--allsystems Update LIC on all managed systems in the managed frame specified on the -e option.
-t The type(s) of LIC updates to install. Valid values are sys for Managed System LIC updates only, power for Power LIC updates only, syspower for both Managed System and Power LIC updates, io for I/O LIC updates only, or all for Managed System, Power, and I/O LIC updates.

If this option is omitted, it will default to syspower for the -m and -e --allsystems options, and will default to power for the -e and -w options.

-l The LIC level to retrieve. Valid values are latest, latestconcurrent, sss, ccc,ppp or release1_level1,release2_level2,....

This option is required for a and i operations. It is optional for u operation; if omitted it will default to latest. This option is not valid otherwise.

Specify latest to retrieve the latest LIC updates, even if disruptive.

Specify latestconcurrent to retrieve the latest concurrent LIC updates.

Specify sss to retrieve a specific level of Managed System or Power LIC updates, even if disruptive. sss is the three character identifier of the specific level to retrieve. This is only valid when the LIC type is either Managed System only or Power only.

Specify ccc,ppp to retrieve a specific level of Managed System and Power LIC updates, even if disruptive. ccc is the three character identifier of the specific level of Managed System LIC updates to retrieve. ppp is the three character identifier of the specific level of Power LIC updates to retrieve. This is only valid when the LIC type is both Managed System and Power.

Specify release1_level1,release2_level2,... to retrieve specific levels of LIC updates, even if disruptive. The level specified in each entry indicates the desired level for all components which are running the release specified in the entry.

-r The repository from which to retrieve the LIC updates. Valid values are ibmwebsite for the IBM service Internet site, ftp for a remote FTP site, dvd for the DVD drive on the Management Console, disk for the internal hard disk drive on the Management Console, mountpoint for the specified mountpoint, or usb for a USB flash memory device.

This option is required for a, i, and u operations. This option is not valid otherwise.

-h The host name or IP address of the remote FTP server.

This option is required when retrieving LIC updates from a remote FTP site. This option is not valid otherwise.

-u The user ID to use to log in to the remote FTP site.

This option is required when retrieving LIC updates from a remote FTP site. This option is not valid otherwise.

--passwd The password to use to log in to the remote FTP site. If this option is omitted, you will be prompted to enter the password.

This option is only valid when retrieving LIC updates from a remote FTP site.

-d The mountpoint location or the directory to use on the remote FTP site. If this option is not specified for FTP, then the /opt/ccfw/data directory will be used.

This option is only valid when retrieving LIC updates from a mountpoint or a remote FTP site.

--allowpoweroff Use this option to allow the Management Console to power off all managed systems in the same managed frame during a disruptive update of the power subsystem, if necessary. Use this option carefully. It allows the Management Console to power off managed systems which were not explicitly targeted by this command.
-q Use this option to query the concurrency status of the specified update. The update is not performed when this option is specified.

This option allows you to determine if the specified update is disruptive. If so, you can shut down operating systems or configure I/O devices offline prior to performing the specified update.

When this option is used with -m, one of the following return codes will be returned:
0 - no updates are available
1 - all updates are concurrent
2 - Managed System and Power updates are concurrent.
I/O updates are disruptive.
3 - Managed System and Power updates are disruptive.
I/O updates are concurrent.
4 - all updates are disruptive

Any other return code value indicates that an error occurred.
When this option is used with -w, one of the following return codes will be returned:
0 - no updates are available
1 - all updates are concurrent
4 - all updates are disruptive

Any other return code value indicates that an error occurred.
When this option is not used, a return code value of zero indicates success. Any other value indicates that an error occurred.

-v Specify this option to enable verbose mode for the operation. When verbose mode is enabled, progress messages are displayed. Note that some operations may not have any progress messages.
--help Display the help text for this command and exit.


To retrieve, install, and activate the latest available Managed System LIC and Power LIC updates for all managed systems in the managed frame from the IBM service website:

updlic -e myframe --allsystems -o a -t syspower -l latest -r ibmwebsite

To retrieve and install specific Managed System and Power LIC levels from a remote FTP server:

updlic -m mysystem -o i -t syspower -l 22,21 -r ftp
-h ftphost -u ftpuser --passwd userpw

To retrieve, install and activate specific Managed System and Power LIC levels from the IBM service website:

updlic -m mysystem -o a -t syspower
-l 01EH330_100,02EB330_098,02BP240_219 -r ibmwebsite

To retrieve, install and activate specific Managed System and Power LIC levels for all managed systems in the managed frame from the IBM service website:

updlic -e myframe --allsystems -o a -t syspower
-l 01ES340_061,02EP340_052 -r ibmwebsite

To remove the most recently installed Managed System and Power LIC levels and activate the previous levels:

updlic -m 9406-570*101234A -o r -t syspower

To query whether the latest LIC updates from the IBM service web site are concurrent or disruptive:

updlic -m 9406-570*101234A -o a -t all -l latest
-r ibmwebsite -q

To change LIC update control to Management Console:

updlic -m mysystem -o h

To change LIC update control to Operating System:

updlic -m mysystem -o o

To disruptively activate LIC updates:

updlic -m mysystem -o d

To accept the currently activated LIC updates:

updlic -m mysystem -o c

To accept the currently activated LIC updates for all managed systems in the managed frame:

updlic -e myframe --allsystems -o c

To reject installed LIC updates:

updlic -m mysystem -o j

To check system readiness on a managed system:

updlic -m mysystem -o k

To retrieve and install the latest concurrent LIC updates for all managed frames which contain High Performance Switches from a remote FTP server:

updlic -w -o i -l latestconcurrent -r ftp
-h ftphost -u ftpuser --passwd userpw






IBM Austin



Linux UPDLIC (1) November 2012
Generated by manServer 1.07 from updlic.1 using man macros.